

Friday, April 8, 2016

Why Bill Clinton's So Mad

This is from Rush and he tells about the laws that Bill Clinton passed to curb crime that affected the black community and now they are raising Hell because they think to many "Blacks" are being incarcerated for minor crimes or cops are racist. I am for the laws on the books and if they do the crime they do the time.

RUSH: On the Democrat side. I thought it was only the Trump rallies that had protesters, but it turns out Bill Clinton is drawing protesters.  He's out there stumping for Hillary.  You know people are starting to ask, with some of the stuff Clinton is saying. They really are. I mean, Salon.com is demanding that Hillary fire him.  They say, "We know that she can't divorce him, but she should fire him."  Why can't she divorce him?  Why can't she?  I ask it rhetorically.  She's stuck with the guy, and the things he's doing are making people think that he doesn't want her to win. 
That's how sabotaging in nature they are. 
Now, the mainstream media are doing their best to ignore the protestors when they're protesting Democrats, but they're having a field day covering Bill's supposed backlash against those Black Lives Matter protesters in Philadelphia.  He's essentially saying to them what I told you Ray Lewis has gotten in trouble for.  You know, Ray Lewis has produced a video on Facebook that so far has two million viewers, and it's grown since then.  The point that he's making is, Black Lives Matter, but you don't talk about black-on-black crime.  And there's a lot of black lives that are being lost here due to black crime, black-on-black crime.  Do those lives not matter?  And all hell's breaking loose on that. 
Clinton was giving a speech to a crowd of Hillary supporters.  He was interrupted by Black Lives Matter protesters, and he responded to 'em by saying, you're defending the people who killed the lives you say matter.  Tell the truth.  I mean, it's a violation of every politically correct tenet about Black Lives Matter.  You know, Bernie Sanders did it, too, and they walked up, stormed the stage at one of his appearances and literally took his microphone.  So he changed his tune on it.  The hubbub over this is big, and it's fascinating to watch, and it's the kind of thing you usually don't see publicly when it goes on on the Democrat side. 
But I want to tell you why this is all going on.  You have to go back to the 1990s to get to the root of this, and I, ladies and gentlemen, was there.  We had a number of things from the Clinton administration back in the nineties.  We had midnight basketball. We had the vaunted crime bill. We had a hundred thousand new cops.  Now, people might remember that, but they don't remember why.  Well, I'll tell you why.  There was an endemic, a pandemic of crack cocaine sweeping through minority neighborhoods in this country, and it was ravaging them.  It was ravaging them even more than they already were.
And it was black community leaders, such as the guys in the Congressional Caucasians, Congressional Black Caucasians, in other words, demanding that Clinton do something about it.  "We've got to stop this. This crack cocaine epidemic is wiping out our neighborhoods."  So Clinton responded, a hundred thousand new cops, crime bill, severe new sentencing guidelines for people caught selling and using the stuff.  And it all come back to bite them, because Black Lives Matter is essentially an outgrowth of that movement back then. 
Meaning all of this police attention, you know, the Black Lives Matter and other civil rights groups are running around complaining about police brutality and the police being mean and police murdering innocent young blacks, walking the street while waiting to go to college and this kind of thing.  Well, it turns out that all of this ramped-up police activity, policing and strident activity to wipe out the scourge of crack cocaine and others was started by the Democrats. That's why Clinton's getting mad at 'em. 
That's the unspoken truth here.  The reason why Clinton is lashing out, he resents being protested by these people because they're the ones that demanded he do what he did, and he thought he was doing a good thing. He thought he was responding to their demands.  So he went out and did it, and now they're upset that the cops are behaving the way they're behaving.  They're upset that crime is being treated as crime and people are dealing with it. 
All the while they want to try to pass this off as having something to do with the Republican Party and racism.  This whole universe is owned and operated practically exclusively by the Democrat Party.  
RUSH:  Here the details.  It was the 1994 Violent Crime Control Act.  That's what Bill Clinton did.  This is the Act that Clinton used to put a hundred thousand new cops on the street.  But that never happened, by the way.  We've reviewed this before.  The hundred thousand cops program was a PR program.  There were some new cops, and what happened was a local community, the federal government would pay the full salary for, say, five new cops for the first year. Then the next year the local community would have to come up with 25% of the salary and after three or four years you'd have to pay the entire salary, whatever, for new cops. 
So it was a scam that Clinton ran for great PR.  But the reason that this happened was that African-American community leaders were beseeching him to do something because crack cocaine, and other drugs, too, but it was primary crack, were out of control.  You know, these minority neighborhoods were already being ravaged just with the cultural decay that was occurring in the country, and you put this on top of it. I mean, the dealers were giving it away, selling it for very little, getting people hooked, and that's all it took.
So a hundred thousand new cops, midnight basketball, there's all kinds of things that Clinton initiated here at the behest of the very people who are out there protesting him now.  And all of this, the renewed interest in crime in African-American neighborhoods, poor neighborhoods, minority neighborhoods, not just African-American, the renewed interest traces all the way back to the 1994 violent crime act.  It was the largest crime bill in the history of the country, 356 pages, $9.7 billion in funding for prisons. 
The Democrats did this, folks! There was $6.1 billion in funding for prevention programs, and that's where midnight basketball was.  The Democrats demanded all this, and they did it.  And so Black Lives Matter are out there like this is a Republican problem because the Republicans are the racists and the bigots. And it's not that at all, and it's all coming home to roost, and Clinton doesn't like it.  He doesn't like these people showing up and heckling him, because he knows.  And that's why he's reacting the way he is. 
Meanwhile, Hillary's biting her nails 'cause she doesn't like any of this, either, 'cause they're trying to pass this off as a Republican-related problem.  It's fascinating to see.  And we're not gonna let go of this because this is funny, but it's also crucially important.  This Black Lives Matter movement is part of the left wing that is distorting cultural situations in this country and affixing blame to people that have no blame whatsoever with the decay.  They're actually out there denying that there's even any black-on-black crime, which means you can't admit that Chicago exists.  
RUSH: Here's Bob in Quincy, Illinois.  Bob, you're next.  Great to have you on the EIB Network.  Hello.
CALLER:  Oh, hi.  Thank you, Rush.  You commented and explained Bill Clinton's Black Lives Matter situation regarding his past record as a politician.  What I was wondering is, to me the message, when I heard it and when I read the transcript, it sounded almost word-for-word with a populist message.  I would have guessed Donald Trump said that if you just gave me the transcript.
RUSH:  What specifically?  Tell... What specifically, if you can remember it?  It's not a test.  I just want to know specifically.
CALLER:  He said something about crack, either drugs or hopped up on things.  You know, it would have been a very racially charged statement coming from Donald Trump.  And I mean, I think it was a very legitimate statement, but hopped up on drugs and killing other kids and so forth, it just struck me as a very --
RUSH:  I'll tell you what I think's going on.  You're asking me, I think, if this was Clinton trying to protect his record or trying to help Hillary.  I think there's two things happening here with Clinton.  One of them definitely is trying to protect his record.  You have to understand Bill Clinton's mentality.  Bill Clinton's the first black president.  In his mind, he really was.  And that mattered.  Bill Clinton's the kind of guy that, you know, specious, dumb, stupid awards have a lot of sunshine.  Of course, he's not black.
But Toni Morrison, a renowned African-American writer, dubbed him America's first black president because he had the ability... He grew up in Arkansas, and that apparently means he had the ability to know what it was like.  Clinton's the kind of guy who eats that up, absolutely adores it, and he thinks it inoculates him from any allegation, any inspiration that he's racist.  So when Obama threw the race card down on him back in 2008 in the campaign when he and Ted Kennedy were in South Carolina, he took it personally, and he hasn't liked Obama since. 
 And this Black Lives Matter thing? Clinton is genuinely ticked off about this because the very people... Well, now their representatives, but they're the very people that came to him and begged him to do something to stop the ravaging of the African-American and minority neighborhoods. It was crack cocaine that was doing it, and they came to him and they asked him to do something about it.  They needed more police.  Folks, this is 1994.
They needed more police.  Can you imagine? They needed more police.  They got Midnight Basketball.  Anything they could come up with to occupy African-American and minority youth so that they would not be out engaging in destructive behavior.  Midnight Basketball, all these new cops.  Clinton got it done.  He got all... He got a hundred thousand cops, spent more money on a crime bill than had ever been spent, and now here these people are coming back and blaming him and blaming Hillary and showing up and protesting him? 
I guarantee you he takes it personally. There's no doubt he takes this personally.  I've heard people say that he's engaging in a Sister Souljah moment, because that helped him in his first campaign 1992 when he came out against Sister Souljah for whatever she was doing.  I forget the details of it.  But it was the equivalent of a liberal Democrat criticizing a fellow liberal Democrat that happened to be African-American.  So it showed that he was a moderate, not a liberal.  It enabled him to cross a bridge and be seen as a centrist and that redounded well to his benefit. 
I don't think he's doing that now.  He's showing up, in his mind he's the star, he's the rock star of the Democrat Party.  You don't go out and protest this guy.  This doesn't happen.  And certainly not the first black president.  So he's taking it personally, and he's reacting personally, and it's really not helping Hillary.  She is looked at now as on the verge of losing control of her campaign.  I just saw a story -- and this is the second one in a week.  This is from Salon.com, by H. A. Goodman:  "Hillary's World Collapsing Around Her: Wisconsin, Bernie's surge and FBI probe poised to derail her White House bid. Clinton isn’t only facing a possible indictment, but also Sanders and millions of voters sick of status quo politics," meaning insider politics. 
Let me tell you something, Hillary Clinton, in certain left-wing publications is getting just as negative press coverage in New York as Ted Cruz is.  And there are people who can't believe this.  You know, 57% of voters in Wisconsin were female, and the women of Wisconsin abandoned Hillary.  They voted Bernie.  You know, all these areas, African-Americans, women, all these areas she's supposed to be cleaning up and have a lock on this she does not have. 
 Now, you got Clinton out there insulting Black Lives Matter when what Democrats are supposed to do is agree.  There is no black-on-black crime.  The premise that they're supposed to operate under is, the only reason young black kids are dying is 'cause of racist cops.  Black Lives Matter does not mean all lives matter.  The only lives in question here are black, 'cause white lives are not being snuffed out.  Then you point out black-on-black crime like both Ray Lewis has done and Clinton has done, you've almost violated a fundamental religious tenet here. 
So they're fit to be tied and Clinton's fit to be tied.  I don't think there's any game playing going on here.  Clinton, some people may think he's purposely sabotaging Hillary.  This is the age-old belief that he doesn't want her ever in the White House.  He wants to be the only one in the family to ever have been president.  Who knows.  What we do know is that it's not Queen for a Day out there, and it's not happy-go-lucky time. 
These are people that ought to be sitting on top of the world on the verge of securing the party nomination, realizing a lifelong dream of having a woman who doesn't know where she is half the time become president of the United States just because her last name is Clinton, she went to Wellesley and she's a feminist.  And that's the bit of the qualification, they're on the verge of it, and now they see it slipping away, they're going, oh, no!  And the infighting has begun.  The insult is she's losing to a 74-year-old socialist who doesn't know what he doesn't know.  So everybody's watching this with eagle eyes, as are we.  
RUSH:  Ladies and gentlemen, Bill Clinton has been taken to the woodshed.  Bernie Sanders has been taken to the woodshed.  Bernie Sanders earlier today said that he misspoke when he said that Mrs. Clinton was not qualified to be president.  So somebody took him to the woodshed.  My guess is Hillary got him in the testicle lockbox.  It turns out the same thing has happened to Bill Clinton now.  Let's set it up by going back to Philadelphia yesterday.  This is Clinton at a campaign event for Hillary.
CLINTON:  Unlike when I became president, a lot of things are coming apart around the world now.  We'd like to just think about our economic issues, but you gotta worry about a collapse in Europe dragging back the American economy.  You've gotta worry about all these -- the largest number of refugees since World War II.  And all this stuff comes home.
RUSH:  Now, that was interpreted as a swipe at Obama.  He said (imitating Clinton), "Unlike when I became president, a lot of things are coming apart around the world.  When I was president, everything was just great. You know what, it was just great, it was fab.  I even survived that Lewinsky thing, 'cause when I was president everything was great.  Unemployment and deficit was coming down, and making fun of Ken Starr, it was great, it was great.  But now, after seven years of this guy, I mean, we got refugees all over the place, just horrible." 
Well, that didn't sit well with a bunch of Democrats. It was seen to be above and beyond what was necessary in the campaign for Hillary.  But it was consistent.  Let's just, for example, listen, Hanover, New Hampshire, at Dartmouth back on January 7th, 2008.  This is a quick one, this is during a Hillary Clinton town hall.  This is Bill Clinton talking about the Obama campaign back in 2008.
CLINTON:  Give me a break.  The whole thing is the biggest fairytale I've ever seen.
RUSH:  Yeah.  They've never been buds.  The Clintons and Obamas have never been tight. And Bill, I guarantee, he was the first black president, do not discount he was the first black president. Here comes Obama stealing a lot of thunder, maybe a little bit more popular.  So Clinton does his thing with Black Lives Matter, he does this thing criticizing Obama for the world falling apart. But today in Erie, Pennsylvania, Bill Clinton asked forgiveness.
CLINTON:  So I did something yesterday in Philadelphia I almost want to apologize for, but I want to use it as an example of the danger threatening our country.  I rather vigorously defended my wife, as I'm wont to do, and I realized finally I was talking past her the way she was talking past me.  We gotta stop that in this country.
RUSH:  What the hell does that mean?  So Clinton goes out, commits a sin, and then says, "We have to stop doing that in this country."  This is a classic Clinton trick.  You go out, and you have an affair with an intern, and then you do a speech on how we've gotta clean up this country, this country is a mess and we have to --  So somebody took him to the woodshed, 'cause he said, (imitating Clinton), "I almost want to apologize for what I did yesterday.  I said something horrible about those Black Lives Matter people.  And you know why?  'Cause I was campaigning past Hillary, and she's campaigning past me.  We have got to stop this kind of stuff in this country.  We have got to stop."  As though somebody else made it all happen.  Classic.  There it is.  


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