

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Time for Republicans to stay home in 2018?

No one likes the congressional spending bill that President Trump signed "as a matter of national security" last week, so let's all stay home in November and let the Democrats ride into power and finish off the Trump project forever.  That seems to be the mood among some disaffected Trump-supporters.
Let's sit idly by while an emboldened Democratic Party sweeps away the Republican House majority and ushers in the prime-time drama of Trump impeachment hearings.  Let's stand down while the Republicans lose their thinnest of Senate majorities, ending all hope of finally achieving a conservative Supreme Court majority.
And let's just abandon the president who has pushed back hard, exactly as promised, on the long-running progressive drive to Obamacize America, all while battling the relentless headwinds of left-wing media, unprecedented obstruction, and all manner of NeverTrump resistance, not to mention a recalcitrant and often hostile Congress.  
And let's simply clear the way for the gun-control partisans using children and "A-list celebrities" to "harness Parkland momentum" so they can elect anti-gun Democrats.
And for good measure, let's just roll over while Eric Holder and Barack Obama go all out to regain "control of Congress and state legislatures" in November so they can engineer the redistricting of critical swing states.  And let's just ignore the fact that the Obamas and their live-in sidekick Valerie Jarrett have never leftWashington.

See how happy we are with a Nancy-Pelosi-led House producing spending bills that fund every left-wing Democrat project and relegating the Republicans to irrelevance, with a House looking for the votes to outlaw semi-automatic weapons, and with a House that is indelibly committed to voter registration for every illegal border-crosser, past, present, and future.
See how happy we are with a Democratic Senate that dumps the filibuster at the first hint of Republican resistance, as the newly empowered Democratic majority dumps every far-left priority, from universal health care to higher taxation, on the president's doorstep – a dress rehearsal for their plans after they drum the president out of office and elect one of their own in 2020.
And see how happy we are when our cross-the-aisle Republican senators are only too eager to join in with the Democratic majority when it serves their purposes – namely, re-election in states where conservatives have given up the fight. 
See how happy we are with Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris or Cory Booker, Hillary Clinton or Terry McAuliffe, Joe Biden or Julián Castro, or the next great left-wing demagogue, as president, working with liberal congressional majorities to eviscerate what's left of our republic.  
Then watch as the newly empowered Democrats dismantle President Trump's legacy of campaign promises fulfilled: tax cuts and jobs, a resurgent economy and record-low unemployment, across-the-board deregulation and the slow butsteady cleanout of the Augean stables of government, conservative judicial appointments and full-throated Second Amendment support, loosening the grip of Obamacare through repeal of the individual mandate and administrative action, fighting illegal immigration and sanctuary cities, rebuilding a severely depleted military, defeating ISIS and renewing support for Israel, showing a stronger hand on Iran and North Korea, and the recent but long overdue pushback on China's "fleecing competitors to gain economic advantage."
Newly elected Democrats will waste little time in dismantling the long sought and hard won victories of Trump voters and in enacting a sweeping progressive agenda should the Democrats ever be returned to power.
Those who stay home in 2018 will get what they deserve.  So, unfortunately, will the rest of us.


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