

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Chuck Schumer suddenly upset about gas prices

Chuck Schumer and other Democrats collude with most of the media every day to target President Trump with talking points.  They are searching for some mud to stick.  Democrats don't have a set of policies that are popular, so they must throw mud.
Now he's all upset about gas prices.  According to the New York Post:
Chuck Schumer slammed President Trump on Wednesday for soaring gas prices – blaming his decision to reimpose sanctions on Iran for higher costs that he said will burn away the GOP tax cut.
"Gas prices will roughly cancel out the 2018 consumption boost from the tax cuts," Schumer said at an Exxon gas station on Capitol Hill.
"That's right, whatever meager benefit working families may have seen from Trump's tax scam for the rich has been wiped out by the gas prices that President Trump is responsible for."

Schumer argued that Trump's move earlier this month to reinstate economic sanctions on Iran spooked oil markets sending prices through the roof.
In 2009, when Obama took office, the gas price was below $1.90 per gallon.  By 2013, despite the slowest economic recovery in seventy years, the price had soared to $3.57, and by 2014, the price was $3.70 per gallon.  Not once do I remember Schumer or other Democrats blaming Obama's policies for the high prices or caring that they were high.  Yet today, with a much faster economy and lower taxes and an average gas price of $2.97 (much lower than 2013 or 2014), Schumer is pitching a fit because Trump put sanctions back on Iran that Obama shouldn't have lifted.
Obama did everything he could top push prices of fossil fuels up, blocking pipelines, writing regulations, bankrupting coal companies, and blocking drilling.  "Under my cap and trade plan, electricity prices will necessarily skyrocket," he smugly told a San Francisco Chronicle interviewer on YouTube.  Schumer, the media, and other Democrats supported him every step of the way.
Trump, on the other hand, is doing everything he can to increase the American supply of fossil fuels, and here is Schumer complaining.  What a crock.  He is just searching for another piece of mud since nothing else is sticking.  Here is what they're reporting now:
According to the federal Energy Information Administration, as of Monday, the national average for a gallon of regular gasoline reached $3.70.  That's 13¢ higher than a year ago at this time, and it matches the previous high thus far in 2014, set in  late April.
Schumer obviously never minded high oil prices under Obama, just as he never cared about high taxes on the rich.  Not once did I ever hear him complain about rich taxpayers paying more or the limitation of itemized deductions under the previous tax code.  The first time I ever heard Schumer complain about high taxes on the rich or that high taxes might slow the New York economy is when Trump reduced the subsidy to taxpayers in high-tax states, and then Democrats and the media had a cow.
None of these stories is sticking, so Schumer blamed Trump putting sanctions on the sweet and lovable Iran for the rise in oil prices.  Schumer opposed the Iran deal when the Obama administration was selling the lies, but now he is all for continuing to build up Iran.  Schumer and the media know that it wasn't an actual treaty approved by Congress and signed by Iran, but they pretend it was to the public.
It's all part of an agenda.  It's not about principles.
They have been hitting Trump with the false Russian collusion story for almost two years, and it just isn't sticking.
They have hoped the fake Russian story would bring down Trump and lead to his impeachment, but the impeachment narrative isn't approved by the public.
They said the tax cuts and reform would be a disaster or Armageddon, and instead, the cuts and reductions in regulations have led to a faster economy, record low unemployment rates, and a tremendous spike in consumer and business confidence.  (It is tremendously sad for Democrats when people get more opportunities to move up the economic ladder.)
The Stormy Daniels-Michael Avenatti circus has almost run its course.
The majority of public doesn't approve of sanctuary cities and also doesn't have a problem calling people animals who maim, murder, and rape people at will.  Most people don't think the MS-13 gang members deserve to be treated humanely.  Somehow, one killing with a gun is too many for Democrats, but a huge number of killings by illegal aliens who are MS-13 members doesn't get a rise out of the leftist media.
I hope Schumer and other Democrats go around the country saying how great it is that Obama gave Iran hundreds of billions of dollars to continue to spread terrorism, build weapons, support Assad, and continue chants of "death to America" and "death to Israel."  That should be a winning issue, especially in the Jewish community.
There will be more mud stories and talking points soon because big government, high taxes, and more regulations is a hard agenda to run on.  The media haven't cared about facts for a long time, and they won't now.  They have a party and agenda to support, and facts certainly aren't going to get in the way.

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