

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Democrats in Media and Democrats in Politics Collude to Create Another Fake Scandal!

RUSH: So, I’m sitting here, my friends, all morning long experiencing deja vu because we’ve been here and we’ve done that, and we’re doing it over and over and over again. And I think the Democrats’ plan is to have one of these phony scams, slash, scandals every month up until the next election.
This is as — what’s the word? — baseless as the whole Russian collusion story was baseless. This whole whistleblower thing. You know who I think the whistleblower is? I think it’s Fusion GPS. I think it’s the same players. I think it’s the same playbook, and it’s the same play. Rather than Russian interference, now it’s Ukraine, regardless, the president is meddling in the election. He meddled in the 2016 election, except that he didn’t, except that there is no evidence, there never was any evidence.
Every attempt to manufacture believable evidence failed. That’s the key. Every effort to manufacture believable evidence failed. And yet here they are again. They did Kavanaugh version 2.0. We know that Christine Blasey Ford’s best friend didn’t even believe her original story. It was politically motivated. Here we are now.
The way to look at what’s happening today with this whistleblower report, compare the whistleblower report either to the Steele dossier or to Christine Blasey Ford coming forward. The whole thing’s been manufactured. It has been planned and orchestrated between the Democrats in politics and the Democrats in media.
Adam Schiff has had the whistleblower complaint since August. They have been waiting for what they think is the opportune time to unveil this because this phone call with Ukraine happened some months ago. And so this is all tied to the House deciding, Pelosi deciding to try to convince everybody that she has actually convened impeachment proceedings, which she hasn’t.
So I’m sitting here wondering, how do we deal with this? My preference would be just to ignore it and to say the Democrats are running another scam today, folks. Pay no attention to it. But everybody does pay attention to it. Everybody reacts. The three networks broomed their soap operas today in order to cover this stuff live. The whole thing is coordinated between the Democrats in the media, the Democrats in politics. Well, I should say elected Democrats and Democrats in the media.
They’re using the same theme, that Trump’s cheating, that Trump is meddling, that Trump is a traitor, that Trump is unfit. They are prosecuting the same case over and over again, and there isn’t a shred of evidence for anything they are alleging.
This is what happens when you lose the House. When you lose the House, the Democrats run the House, they can run these carnivals and these parades and these scams. And the Republicans have to go along with it. And since the aggressor in any conflict sets the rules you gotta play by the rules the Democrats set.
So it’s frustrating for somebody like me who knows exactly what this is. This is as phony as the Trump-Russia collusion story was phony. And, you know, I always ask myself, what is mainstream America thinking about this? I ask myself, does mainstream America even know about this? Is all mainstream America knows is they think Trump has been impeached?
I still believe that mainstream America, people I’m talking about, people who make America work, I think that they are seething with rage out there. I think there is anger that is growing at all of this, because even people who pay moderate amounts of attention to this know that the Mueller report came up empty.
Trump is still president. They did everything they could. They promised people for two years that Trump had colluded, that there was evidence, that Mueller was gonna nail him. And then, of course, nothing. That didn’t happen in a vacuum. The American people know full well that there was no evidence that Trump colluded.
Now, the partisan left is not mainstream America, as far as I’m concerned. So they’re out there thinking that Trump did collude and the Democrats are just a bunch of idiots and haven’t yet found the evidence. And so they applaud scams like this that are underway to just continue the same theme.
The Democrats are continuing the same theme, believing that with their coordination with Democrats in the media, that just the overwhelming amount of news on the subject that Trump cheats, that Trump colludes, that Trump meddles, that Trump tries to arrange phony outcomes to elections, they are hoping that enough of that consistently enough will finally convince enough people that Trump did it, even though there isn’t a shred of evidence that Trump has done anything.
In fact, the meddling that was done in Russia was done by the Democrats, and the meddling that was done in Ukraine was done by the Democrats. The Democrats, three Senators in January 2017 or 2018 asked Ukraine to look into Trump colluding with Russia! The Democrats have done everything they are alleging that Trump has done.
The transcript of the call between Trump and the president of Ukraine has been released, and it’s a nothing burger. There’s nothing to it. The whistleblower desperately trying to remain anonymous. Doesn’t want anybody to know who he or she is.
I think the best way to illustrate what this is, is by actually using some sound from the hearings today. Pencil Neck Schiff is the committee chairman that is running this sham of a hearing/investigation today. He’s a congressman from California. He is the guy that colluded with comedians who called him pretending to be Russians and told him that they had evidence on Trump. They told him they had “kompromat.” Schiff fell for it hook, line, and sinker! He sets up a meeting with these guys.
They’re nothing but a couple of comedians running a scam on him. He was more than willing to collude with them in order to dig up dirt on Trump. The man is unqualified. The man is a disgrace. He is an embarrassment. He is so literally poisoned with hatred for Donald Trump that he has lost all grounding and any pretense of substance. I want to just play a couple of audio sound bites from the hearing this morning. Now, to set this up, there’s some things that you have to know. Yesterday we had a summary (kind of like a book report), a memo of the phone call between Trump and the Ukrainian president.
Remember how the original reporting on that was that Trump was supposed to have talked about Biden eight times. This is what the Washington Post and the rest of the media reported. There was supposed to have been an explicit quid pro quo offered. Trump was said to have threatened Ukraine, that if they didn’t dig up dirt on Biden and his son, that Trump was gonna withhold already promised American aid to Ukraine. They reported that! They reported that Trump said, “Hey, Ukraine, investigate Biden or you’re not gonna get any military aid money.”
All of that, the media said, came over the whistleblower; then we learn the whistleblower never heard the call! The whistleblower was told things by somebody who may have heard the call. So we have again secondhand, thirdhand, Steele dossier-type stuff here. Totally made up! What the original reporting was, was not to be found on the original summary. Then we got a transcript of the call — and again, none of what was said to have been said in that call actually was said. It was made up!
We have a fake whistleblower delivering fake news for a fake impeachment investigation for fake news ratings boosts. It is deja vu all over again! We just left this party after Mueller testified. And all this phony hysteria, frankly, to me, is a little bit exhausting. But I have to deal with it. Okay. So back to the subject. The original reporting had all of these allegations that turned out to be lies, folks. The transcript of the Trump phone call with the president of Ukraine had none of the actual allegations the whistleblower made and the media made.
It was all complete BS, and the media supposedly “fell for it” again. The media didn’t fall for anything. The media is in the middle of it. The media is orchestrating this — and again, I think the whistleblower, you’re gonna find, has ties to Fusion GPS or some organization or group related to Obama or Hillary. The same people that ran these scams: Christopher Steele, Christine Blasey Ford. Same bunch. It’s why the whistleblower is desperately trying to remain anonymous. And the media?
The media knew all this was not true, and they ran with it anyway, and they knew today that it was untrue, and they’re running with it anyway. So now the media is reduced to reading between the lines, and now they’re saying, “Well, in order to find out what Trump really said, you have to know the code that Trump uses when he speaks.” Ah, ladies and gentlemen Donald Trump doesn’t speak in code. He hits you right between the eyes with what he thinks. He doesn’t hide anything. He doesn’t use deception.
There is no codebook that you have to have to translate or decode what Trump is saying to you. This is just their attempt to cover for the fact they got caught. They got caught literally lying and making it up! They went ahead and ran this. They ran the lies of the supposed content of the phone call, and they didn’t care whether it was true or not because the point is the original report is what carries the weight, what makes the first impression.
Journalism is so gone, it’s so out the window. There isn’t any, and there certainly isn’t any anywhere to be found in this story. Okay. So nothing that the whistleblower said is true; nothing that the media reported about the phone call is true. Let’s go to Adam Schiff. This is actual audio of Adam Schiff’s actual words in his actual opening statement today, which was televised on all three cable networks and all three broadcast news networks. Listen to this…
SCHIFF: And so what happened on that call? Zelensky begins by ingratiating himself, and he tries to enlist the support of the president. He expresses his interest in meeting with the president and says his country wants to acquire more weapons from us to defend itself. And what is the president’s response? Well, it reads like a classic organized crime shakedown. Shorn of its rambling character — and in not so many words — this is the essence of what the president communicates: “We’ve been very good to your country, very good. No other country has done as much as we have. But you know what? I don’t see much reciprocity here. I hear what you want. I have a favor I want from you, though — and I’m gonna say this only seven times, so you better listen good.”

RUSH: None of that was said, folks. The president never said any of that. He never intimated any of that. Schiff is making this up in his opening statement. But it gets worse. Here’s phase two…
SCHIFF: “I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent –”
RUSH: Stop the tape! And recue it. Adam Schiff has just made it up. Adam Schiff is a microcosm of this entire story! He sat there in his opening statement today and made it up! He just said that in the phone call between the president and the president of Ukraine that Trump said, “I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent.” Trump didn’t mention the word “dirt.” Trump didn’t ask for anything! Trump didn’t do anything near this!
Trump never has done anything like this on a phone call with a foreign leader! “I want you to make up dirt on my political opponents”? He’s making this up, literally out of thin air! The transcripts are clear! There was nothing untoward in this phone call between Trump and the president of Ukraine. The reporting on it originally was dead wrong, and yet Adam Schiff is making it up. But that’s just the opening line. Here is the entire bite. I will try not to interrupt it.
SCHIFF: “I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent, understand? Lots of it, on this and on that. I’m gonna put you in touch with people, not just any people. I’m gonna put you in touch with the attorney general of the United States — my attorney general — Bill Barr. He’s got the whole weight of the American law enforcement behind him. And I’m gonna put you in touch with Rudy. You’re gonna love him. Trust me. You know what I’m asking, and so I’m only gonna say this a few more times in a few more ways. And, by the way, don’t call me again. I’ll call you when you’ve done what I asked.” This is, in sum and character, what the president was trying to communicate with the president of Ukraine. It would be funny if it wasn’t such a graphic betrayal of the president’s oath of the office.
RUSH: It’s not funny because what it is, is it’s slander. It’s libel, whatever. It is abject irresponsibility. The chairman of this committee is literally making up what he wishes Trump had said, what he was hoping Trump had said, what he was hoping the whistleblower had overheard — and since Trump didn’t say it, they’re gonna go ahead and say that he did. And they’ll deal with any fallout later. And there was. Here’s Mike Turner, who is the Republican from Ohio who is addressing this.
TURNER: While the chairman was speaking, I actually had someone text me, “Is he just making this up?” And — and, yes. Yes, he — he was. Because sometimes fiction is better than the actual words or the text. But luckily the American public are smart, and they have the transcript.
RUSH: I don’t know about that. The American people are smart, but the three networks, the three cable networks are covering this. Schiff is lying through his teeth about what the president said! How many people have read the transcript of this phone call? Schiff just made it up! “I want you to dig up dirt, a lot of it. I’m not calling you back until you’ve done what I’ve told you to do.” This is what they want people to think Trump did.
RUSH: I’ve read a lot of people thinking these hearings are boring today, and they are. They have been. There’s been nothing to them, because history is repeating. It’s the same thing. It’s the Steele dossier redone. It’s Christine Blasey Ford redone. It’s an anonymous witness saying he overhead something, making something up. He can’t prove it. We don’t even know who the guy is, but here’s Adam Schiff. The big news today to me is that Schiff has just demonstrated what all this is: made up.
“I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent, lots of it on this and on that. I’m gonna put you in touch with people, Rudy and Bill Barr, the attorney general — and I don’t want you to call me back. I’m not talking to you again until you get this done. I’m only gonna tell you this seven or eight times.” He’s talking about seven or eight times ’cause that’s how many times they reported that Trump referenced all this. All of this is made up! So Pencil Neck gets caught lying and making this up, and this was his mea culpa.
SCHIFF: As an aside, I want to mention that, uh, my colleague was right on both counts. Um, it’s not okay. Uh, but also my summary of the president’s call was meant to be — at least part — in parody. The fact that that’s not clear is a separate problem, uh, in and of itself. Uh, of course, the president never said, “Um, if I, uh… If you don’t understand me, I’m gonna say it seven more times.” My point is, that’s the message that the Ukraine president was receiving in not so many words. Um —
RUSH: He keeps saying it! It’s not the message the Ukrainian got. The Ukrainian president has said he never once felt pressured. President Trump never said, “I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent, understand? Lots of it.” Let me tell you what. Schiff did not do parody. This is not parody. This is hatred. This is pure, unadulterated hatred on the part of Adam Pencil Neck Schiff.
RUSH: So all of this has been about reversing those election results and trying to take this away from Trump. And the reason he wants to get to the bottom of this is precisely that. He didn’t need help to win this, and they’re out there claiming that the Russians greased the skids for him and that he was helping them. So when did that all begin? That’s the relevance of CrowdStrike in Trump’s conversation with the president of Ukraine.
Now the timeline. Let’s go back to James Comey. Do you remember the Comey MO, the modus operandi? James Comey had a bunch of memos that he had written memorializing his meetings with Donald Trump. He wanted those memos released. He wanted them leaked. He sent them to a friend of his at a website who promptly leaked them.
And then what did that cause? That jump-started the selection of the special counsel, Robert Mueller. That was the purpose of the Comey memos, to get a special counsel appointed after Comey was fired, then Sally Yates or Logan Act moving on to Flynn, the Brennan communication with Harry Reid, all these fake news scandals always start with a supposed voice of conscience. Some invisible, anonymous moral crusader inside government who is shocked and outraged over what they see this ogre doing!
Comey was shocked and outraged and had to get it memorialized! Sally Yates shocked and outraged at Trump’s travel ban! Numerous Democrats in the FBI outraged at Michael Flynn daring to talk to the Russian ambassador. There’s always these anonymous — today it’s the whistleblower — there’s always these anonymous moral crusaders inside the government, often in the Department of Justice or often in the intelligence community, who are shocked at what they say really is going on inside the Trump White House.
So only do they reluctantly come forward, oh, it’s so bad what Trump is doing. It was so bad what Kavanaugh did, but somebody, Blasey Ford had to come forth and risk her very sanity to try to save Supreme Court. It’s the same modus operandi here. They come forward, they’ve got some evidence that nobody has ever seen. They’ve got a transcript that nobody can verify. They’ve got an intelligence bit of information that nobody can verify.
Then they contact some progressives or media operatives, usually a former Democrat staffer on the Hill or equivalent, to take it from there. They dress it up, legal mumbo jumbo language, relevance statutes, some bogus allegations of weird, improper campaign contributions or some such thing, and then they prepare it for the media dissemination, the media gladly, eagerly waiting for this presentation, and it’s timed when they think they can do the most damage with it, and then they let fly. And this has been the modus operandi since before Trump was elected.
Every day, folks, dozens of these moles in the so-called intelligence community are probably calling the Washington Post and the New York Times saying they overheard this and they’ve got this and they might have heard this and they think it’s absolutely horrible, the president’s a terrible man, look what he’s doing, this is horrible.
And they’re collecting all these things and they’re weighing them and they’re determining which ones have substance and which ones they can make appear to be real, and they throw the others out. And this is the ongoing mechanism by which they keep this idea that Trump is traitorous, that Trump meddles in elections, that Trump doesn’t trust elections, that Trump has to arrange his victories because he otherwise wouldn’t win.
That’s the theme, and it’s carried forward. Now, what are we talking about? Trump’s meddling in the 2020 election. He’s asking Ukrainians to take his opponent out! It’s just… It’s getting to the point, folks, where it’s so common that I’m getting… I’m this close to ignoring all this, to not becoming ensnared and entrapped by it. (interruption) What are you looking at me that way for? (interruption) Well, because we’re falling for a hoax here! Every damn one of these things is a hoax, and we’re falling for it!
It’s the same old thing! They come up with a concocted, phony premise — a lying-through-its-teeth, scam premise — and what do we do? We accept the premise and we nuke it as best we can, but yet they are setting the narrative. We are always on defense as long as we deal with these people, and they’re always new scandals involving Trump. And there isn’t any scandal involving Trump, and there isn’t any substance to any of this. There hasn’t been substance to any of this. There was no evidence that Trump colluded with Russia.
Look at me. How many times have I said that this week alone? I’ll bet you I’ve said this a thousand times in the last two weeks. “There was no evidence.” There never was any evidence. There was never a need for a special counsel. Everybody involved knew it. All of this is made up, just like this today is made up. There is no impeachment! Everybody thinks there’s an impeachment. There is no impeachment. There has yet to be a formal vote on the House floor for impeachment proceedings.
There are no articles of impeachment that have been prepared and presented to the House. But how many Americans do you think believe that Trump has been impeached? Look at the headlines. You’d have to forgive a whole lot of people if they think impeachment has already begun and that Trump’s already been impeached — and he hasn’t been. In fact, Pelosi may have even put the brakes on it while the Drive-Bys are reporting that she has speeded it up.
RUSH: Okay. Back to the phones. Rachel, Philadelphia. Glad you waited. You’re next. Hello.
CALLER: How are you doing, Rush?
RUSH: Good.
CALLER: I was listening to your show today. I came home and put on the TV, watched a little bit of that craziness on TV, and then put on your show and I hear that blatant liar up there saying… I mean, I read the transcripts yesterday, and he’s up there lying. How can the chairman, Pencil Neck, do that? So I immediately went online and I donated to Trump. I am so mad; I can’t even see straight. He’s got me… (shudders) Ugh! I mean, and they’re just lying and lying and lying, and they’re making a fool out of all the American people. If you read everything, it’s right there for you to see. But nooo! We’re gonna sit here and lie to you like you’re a bunch of idiots.
RUSH: I think it’s outrageous.
CALLER: Me too.
RUSH: He’s saying (sputtering), “Well, you know, I — I — I was doing a parody.” Does anyone buy that? You don’t do parody as the chairman of a congressional committee supposedly looking into presidential malfeasance! What the hell is parody? If you’re having to resort to parody, you don’t have anything! If you’re having to make it up, you don’t have anything! That’s the rule of thumb. Pencil Neck doesn’t have anything, so he’s making it all up here — and he’s counting on people like you watching it and believing it, Rachel.
CALLER: That’s what’s scary about it. There are so many people who do. I own a business, and I have these people come and say, “Oh, this is the end,” and I’m going, “No, this is not what’s going on. Read it. It’s right here.” “Oh, no.” I argued with them yesterday. I said, “I read the transcript. There’s nothing there. Actually, Biden did what was wrong, not Trump,” and then today, to see that? As I said, I only… I didn’t hear it on the news. I had to hear it on your show. Why am I hearing it on your show and not the — you know, the Democrat news?
RUSH: (chuckling)
CALLER: ‘Cause that’s what it is. It’s all Democrats just lying people.
RUSH: It is Democrats in the media. Exactly right. No, they’re not gonna make a big deal of it.
CALLER: Oh! (groans) It’s a disgrace.
RUSH: By the way, speaking of that, I do think… I got a note from (it’s actually a tweet) Brad Parscale, who is campaign manager for Trump. Get this. You’ll be very happy to hear this, Rachel. “In the 24 hours since news of Nancy Pelosi’s impeachment announcement, @realDonaldTrump’s campaign & @GOP have BLOWN OUT fundraising! $5 Million combined in 24 hrs. Donors in all 50 states,” after — after — Pelosi announces her misleading impeachment.
And then this. And, by the way, Rachel, don’t go away because I want to play those Schiff sound bites again when you’re on the phone, so people know what you’re talking about who may have missed them in the first hour. But before I get to that, folks, two other things I’ve got here — one other thing. I mentioned that I had talked to a friend who has been making speeches, and he’s speaking to bankers and oil company people, and he’s been kind of surprised.
He told me that in crowd of over 150 of them (these are major executives, Big Oil and banks), that they are 110% for Trump, and you’re not hearing this. Except there’s a Wall Street Journal story here that — and this is not new. It’s kind of an update. The headline is, “Wall Street Democratic Donors Warn the Party: We’ll Sit Out, or Back Trump, If You Nominate Elizabeth Warren.” These guys are sitting around, they’ve bankrolled the Democrat Party for all these years, and they want no part of Elizabeth and her agenda or Bernie Sanders. Now, I’m gonna come back and tie these two together and explain them in a minute.
But while I’ve got Rachel here, I want to play these Schiff sound bites that she talked about that you may not have heard. Schiff is the chairman of the committee, and he’s got the Director of National Intelligence up there. We know from the transcript of the phone call between Trump and the Ukrainian president that all of the original reporting about it was wrong. There was nothing in the original reporting about the conversation that was true. It was innocuous. There’s nothing there compared to what we were told before the transcripts were released. So Schiff knows there’s nothing there.
So he’s conducting his opening statement today, and here we have two sound bites that I want you to listen to…
SCHIFF: And so what happened on that call? Zelensky begins by ingratiating himself, and he tries to enlist the support of the president. He expresses his interest in meeting with the president and says his country wants to acquire more weapons from us to defend itself. And what is the president’s response? Well, it reads like a classic organized crime shakedown.
Shorn of its rambling character — and in not so many words — this is the essence of what the president communicates: “We’ve been very good to your country, very good. No other country has done as much as we have. But you know what? I don’t see much reciprocity here. I hear what you want. I have a favor I want from you, though — and I’m gonna say this only seven times, so you better listen good.”
RUSH: Now, the reference to seven times there is part of the erroneous original reporting which said that Trump mentioned eight times that he wanted this guy to nail Biden. None of that is true. Trump didn’t mention it once, twice, never near seven times. This is Schiff totally mischaracterizing it and calling Trump a mob boss. Now, this next bite contains the piece de resistance.
SCHIFF: “I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent, understand? Lots of it, on this and on that.”
RUSH: Stop the tape. Cue it back to the beginning. This is Adam Schiff, chairman of the committee. He’s telling the witness and everybody else in his opening statement that in the phone call to the Ukrainian president, Donald Trump told the president, ” I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent, understand? Lots of it, on this and on that.”
That didn’t happen. Trump didn’t tell anybody to make up anything on anybody, not even close. Schiff is making it up. He’s telling everybody what he wishes Trump had said. Trump didn’t say it. When you have to make it up, it doesn’t exist. Now the whole bite in itself.
SCHIFF: “ I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent, understand? Lots of it, on this and on that. I’m gonna put you in touch with people, and not just any people. I’m gonna put you in touch with the attorney general of the United States — my attorney general — Bill Barr. He’s got the whole weight of the American law enforcement behind him. And I’m gonna put you in touch with Rudy. You’re gonna love him. Trust me.
“You know what I’m asking, and so I’m only gonna say this a few more times in a few more ways. And, by the way, don’t call me again. I’ll call you when you’ve done what I asked.” This is, in sum and character, what the president was trying to communicate with the president of Ukraine. It would be funny if it wasn’t such a graphic —
RUSH: Stop the tape. Rachel, you didn’t know any of that had happened until you heard it about an hour and a half ago on this program.
CALLER: Yes, exactly. And you have to realize, I’ve never donated to a political campaign in my life and I wasn’t even fond of Trump when I voted for him. I voted for him ’cause I was a Republican. I was worried he was gonna be a RINO, but he’s pleasantly, pleasantly surprised me. And then because you don’t like the man, you’re lying about him and lying about him? It is a disgrace. And I tell people, I said, “What if it was you? And they decide, well, they don’t like you because of the color of your skin. Or they don’t like you ’cause of your ethnicity, or they don’t like you ’cause you’re short. Are they gonna make up stuff about you?” And they go, “Oh, wait a minute. Oh, yeah.” You got deal in fact. We cannot keep these lies —
RUSH: It’s kind of disheartening to have to remind people that, but I run into the same thing, so I know what I mean. Rachel, thanks for the call. Here is what happened. Schiff was finally — when this happened, I couldn’t believe there wasn’t a single Republican that didn’t bang a gavel and stand up and stop this! I mean, this happened in front of everybody!
And this went on for over a minute and a half and he’s lying about it, making it up, and it took a while for a Republican to even address it! A Republican finally did, Mike Turner, who is a Republican from Ohio. But I don’t want to play his bite. Here’s how Schiff, when he was called on the fact that he had lied and made it up, this is what he said.
SCHIFF: As an aside, I want to mention that, uh, my colleague is right on both counts. Um, it’s not okay. Uh, but also my summary of the president’s call was meant to be — at least part, in parody. The fact that that’s not clear is a separate problem, uh, in and of itself. Uh, of course, the president never said, “Um, if I, uh… If you don’t understand me, I’m gonna say it seven more times.” My point is, that’s the message that the Ukraine president was receiving in not so many words.
RUSH: No, it wasn’t because he never said it! You just said the president never said, “If you don’t understand me I’m gonna say –” He never said it and then you come back and say that’s the message that he was sending!
RUSH: I have occasions now and then where I learn that the things I see, and in many cases I’m shocked and angered, outraged by, others don’t even notice. And this Schiff thing is one of them. I was watching this today, and when Schiff went through this fake, totally made up, supposed story of what Trump told the Ukrainian president, I started firing off some emails to people.
They didn’t think it was that big a deal. They thought other things that had happened were bigger deals than that. And I was flummoxed, I was perplexed because to me those two bites I just played to you sum up all of this. They’re making it up! There isn’t anything here. There is nothing there. They’re making it up. Schiff admitted that he was parodying Trump, a committee chairman. And then people say, “Ah, Rush, that’s the way Washington works.”
The Republicans didn’t react to this the moment it happened. It took a while. And only because this Republican admitted that his constituents were texting him about it! Everybody just sat there while Schiff made this up and quoted Trump as saying, “I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent. Understand? Lots of it.” That, to me, is the standout moment of this whole thing today, to me. Not only for its outrageous not and its egregious, but for what it tells us about all this.
So many other people, “Well, yeah, that’s a big deal, Rush, let me tell you what it was.” And they start citing what I think are arcane, in-the-weeds things that I also noticed but I would not stop this program to tell you about ’em. I would not ask for those audio sound bites. But this one I demanded, because this is it! This is everything. The chairman of the committee is an abject liar over and over!
This guy is the guy who told us even after the Mueller report that he had evidence that Trump had colluded with Russia and he has never produced it. He’s never been forced to produce it because he doesn’t have it! It doesn’t exist. So look, I get just as frustrated as you over similar things. So I’m really glad that Rachel called, and I’m glad that my instincts on this at least rang home there.


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