

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Mike Pompeo on Democrat Thugs in Congress: They Violated Rules – Told State Dept. Officials “Not to Contact” Legal Counsel before Testimony (VIDEO)

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who is holding meetings in Italy, held a press conference on Wednesday afternoon in Rome.
Secretary of State Pompeo told reporters he was on the July 25th Ukrainian call which would be expected. He also said the policy with Ukraine is consistent. Of course, this is what the liberal media latched onto.
But then Pompeo dropped these bombs on the street thugs and goons running the US House committees.
Pompeo told reporters how Democrats in the House violated fundamental principles, contacted State Department officials directly and told them NOT to contact legal counsel.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo: Back to first principles. The predicate of your final question about objecting to what the folks on Capitol Hill have asked. It’s fundamentally not true. What we objected to was the demands that were put that deeply violate the fundamental principle of separation of powers. They contacted State Department employees directly. They told them NOT to contact legal counsel at the State Department. That’s been reported to us. They said the the State Department wouldn’t be able to be present. There are important constitutional prerogatives that the executive branch has to be present so that we can protect the important information so our partners, countries like Italy, can have confidence that the information they provide can have with the State Department will continue to be protected. So the response that I provided them was one that could acknowledge that we will of course do our constitutional duty to cooperate with this co-equal branch but we are going to do so in a way that is consistent with the fundamental values of the American system. And we won’t tolerate folks on Capital Hill bullying, intimidating State Department employees.

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