

Friday, February 21, 2020

Bloomberg openly plans to win the Dems' nomination by a brokered convention in Milwaukee

The pieces are falling in place for a complete debacle for the Democrats, up to and including a convention walkout and riots if Michael Bloomberg's plans to gain the nomination succeed.  Under that scenario, an embittered radical wing of the party convinced that they have been betrayed in favor of a greedy plutocrat would not provide the necessary votes to defeat President Trump's ambitions for a second term.  More likely, they would back a third-party radical candidate, or stay home.
But not before rioting in protest on a scale that would make the riots at the 1968 Chicago Democratic Convention that torpedoed the campaign of Hubert Humphrey look like a garden party.

Photo credit: Project Veritas (see the video here).
Note that there is no public indication that Mr. Jurek has been fired or disciplined for his threat.
Bloomberg's hired minions are making no secret of their strategy to ace out frontrunner Bernie Sanders, as David Siders discovered interviewing them for a Politico article:
Mike Bloomberg is privately lobbying Democratic Party officials and donors allied with his moderate opponents to flip their allegiance to him — and block Bernie Sanders — in the event of a brokered national convention.
The effort, largely executed by Bloomberg's senior state-level advisers in recent weeks, attempts to prime Bloomberg for a second-ballot contest at the Democratic National Convention in July by poaching supporters of Joe Biden and other moderate Democrats, according to two Democratic strategists familiar with the talks and unaffiliated with Bloomberg.
The outreach has involved meetings and telephone calls with supporters of Biden and Pete Buttigieg — as well as uncommitted DNC members — in Virginia, Texas, Florida, Oklahoma and North Carolina, according to one of the strategists who participated in meetings and calls.
Keep in mind that in addition to blanket advertising, Bloomberg's billions are buying up so many consultants, campaign staffers, and influence-peddlers that other Democrats are having trouble staffing up.
Asked about Bloomberg's efforts, spokeswoman Julie Wood said Thursday, "We have an enormous apparatus that is constantly reaching out to all types of people for support and to explain why we think Mike is the best candidate to take on Donald Trump."
"Enormous apparatus" has a nice clinical ring to it, don't you think?  Those who are part of it are apparatchiks, a term that suggests self-interest more than ideological or personal fervor.  With literally billions of Bloomberg Bucks sloshing around, what are the odds that the motives for party insiders (AKA superdelegates) supporting Bloomberg would be viewed by the Bernsheviks as less than honorable?  And what are the odds that Bloomberg's offer to save the party from the open socialist would fall on deaf ears?
Many talking heads on cable TV are claiming that a brokered convention is unlikely because there hasn't been one since 1952.  But Karl Rove, no slouch at the arcana of party rules, disagrees:
"Delegates chosen ... through March 3rd are going to represent 40 percent of the total at the Democratic convention. And after March 3, we're gonna be 60 percent. Right now, we got everybody sort of tight," Rove said on "Hannity."  "Nobody's breaking it ... Buttigieg and Bernie are about 32 percent of the delegates selected so far."
"They need to win 60 percent of those to get 36 percent of the total delegates and get themselves to 50 ... as of the opening day in Milwaukee," Rove said. "That looks like it's going to be awfully hard to do given how scrambled this field is."
It's hard to see a path to victory for the Democrats.  Their two likeliest alternatives are as unattractive as Scylla and Charybdis.  Nominate openly socialist Sanders and lose not just the presidency, but the House and Senate because the suburban educated voters they need are unlikely to support empowering a genuine socialist who wants to redistribute everything they have worked for and electing a Congress that will pass his bills.  Or they can deliver the nomination to the oligarch who has bought and paid for their favors and alienate the large and growing socialist cohort, thereby driving turnout down and equally handing the Oval Office and the Capitol to the GOP.
It is hard to see any of the other so-called "moderate" Democrat candidates catching fire, winning the nomination, and palliating the radical wing of the party.  Reports are circulating that donors are being warned not to back them.  The fifty or sixty billion dollars at Bloomberg's command are like a black hole, whose gravitational pull is inescapable once a hack gets too close to it.
The one black swan I can see approaching the Democrats' horizon is Bernie Sanders's health.  His recent heart attack and his refusal to release his complete medical records suggest there are reasons for concern.  As a fellow septuagenarian, I wish Bernie nothing but vigorous health, but his ability to lead his troops through November 3 is not a given.  Were he to become unavailable for combat, where would his supporters go?  To Warren, whose radicalism may be as phony as her claim of being Harvard's first tenured law professor "of color"?  Or would they split up and back others?  Or drop out of politics, waiting for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to be old enough to run for president in 2024?
Sooner or later, as the chaos scenario unfolds, conspiracy theorists on the left are bound to raise claims that Bloomberg is really still a Republican and that his mission was always to destroy the Democrats' party and pave the way for a second Trump term supported by strong GOP majorities in Congress.
The reality is that mass psychosis always leads to self-destructive behavior.  And Trump Derangement Syndrome is real, a psychiatric disorder on a mass scale.



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