

Saturday, February 29, 2020

“It’s Like Rip Van Winkle Over There” – Economist Peter Morici BLASTS Crackpot Fed Chief Jerome Powell After Worst Market Week Since 2008 (VIDEO)

Economist Peter Morici trashed Fed Chief Jerome Powell, the CDC’s shocking statement from Rod Rosenstein’s sister and the Democrat Party’s efforts to tank the economy, after Worst Week in the US Markets Since 2008.

Peter Morici was as insightful as usual in noting the real market challenges from this past week.  Morici said that the flu is going to kill more people in the US this year than the coronavirus and that the efforts or lack of efforts from certain individuals really set the the market moving in the wrong direction.
1. Morici blamed the CDC’s shocking announcement by Dr. Nancy Messonnier that set off the nationwide panic.  (We noted earlier this week that that announcement was made by former disgraced DAG Rod Rosenstein’s sister who runs the CDC.)
2. Morici claimed that the destructive chairman of the Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell, waited until Friday, after the markets went down more than 3,000 points to say anything.  Morici said former Fed Chiefs would have been much more proactive.  “It’s like Rip Van Winkle over there. He decides to get up on Friday when it’s too late and say something… It seems to take Jerome Powell about two weeks to wake up in the morning!”
3. The Democrats and their media pushing the fear for the nation in hopes of tanking the economy was horrible as well.

The markets should mirror the economy and the economy is on fire.

This week was based on fear and made no sense because it was manufactured by people who should have acted more responsibly.


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