

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Trump brings battered, belittled American farmers to the front of the stage

President Trump brings razor-sharp instincts to the political picture, and nowhere was it more obvious than in his appearance in Bakersfield, California, signing a bill to clean up the junk-science federal "research" on water for the parched Central Valley and, better still, ordering the feds to give California's Central Valley farmers the water for their farms that they already paid for. 
According to Politico:
"What they're doing to your state is a disgrace," Trump said. "After decades of failure and delays in ensuring critical water rights for the people of the state, we are determined to finally get your problems solved."
The official water "record of decision" was signed Wednesday, outlining endangered species rules for California's main water hub. Central Valley politicians have railed for years against water restrictions intended to help salmon and smelt that inhabit the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers and Delta further north.
It came at a time when a tape came out of Democratic standard-bearer Michael Bloomberg belittling American farmers as not having much "gray matter" along with a smarmy claim that "I could teach everyone in this room how to farm."  Really, Mike?
The video of Trump's retort, honoring the farmers, and getting the farmers' roaring support in return, was a thing of beauty:
What I thought was most wonderful was how Trump yielded the podium to several farmers, allowing them to speak the truth they knew with great eloquence.
Since when has a U.S. president allowed the little guys themselves, dressed as they've just come off the farm, authentic as can be — no Hollywood stylist could do as well — to come out and speak their truth?
Here are some screenshots of the real American farmers Trump brought forward:
Same people Mike Bloomberg wrote off as hopeless simpletons.  And all real, authentic as possible, not the fake characters planted in audiences at Democratic rallies.
Their presence not only added some serious thrust to Trump's argument for being fair to farmers — which California hasn't been — but also elevates Trump, who now stands as a champion of working-class America, stealing the left's thunder.
If there's any question as to whether Trump would win re-election, this appearance put such a notion out of its misery.  This was exactly why Trump always wins.


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