

Friday, August 9, 2024

A Reality Check for American Voters

 This election season, the Democrats have again descended into a quagmire of duplicity, lies, mindless name-calling, and one-upmanship.  In response, the Republicans, including the Trump campaign, are predictably and foolishly initiating their own campaigns of name-calling and one-upmanship.  In the meantime, the vast majority of Americans remain on the sidelines, watching the food fight.

As a result, far too many fail to understand the threat the Democrat party, controlled by the Obama-led Marxist faction, poses to the country.  In order to win in November, Donald Trump, his campaign surrogates, Republican candidates, and Republican party activists must single-mindedly focus on the issues and America’s bleak future if the Democrats win the upcoming election.

The United States will never recover if the Democrat party controls the White House, the Senate, and the House for another four years.  The institutions of government will be irretrievably in the hands of the Marxists/socialists.

Over the past thirty years, the federal Judiciary has increasingly assumed the role of being the last line of defense in upholding the Constitution and the rights of every American.  Once Barack Obama assumed the presidency, he and the party, per the Marxist blueprint, have been singularly focused on radicalizing the federal Judiciary.

That single-minded determination has culminated in Obama and his minion, Joe Biden, appointing numerous radical left-wing judges during their twelve years in office.  The unabashed lawfare directed at Donald Trump and the January 6 protesters is a manifestation of their increasing success.

There are 667 District Court judges in 94 districts who resolve disputes and conduct trials.  Fifty-four percent of the current serving judges were appointed by Obama and Biden.  Based on historical averages, if the Democrats retain the presidency and the Senate, they will appoint upwards of 160–170 judges over the next four years, bringing the total number to 84% of all District Court judge appointed by the Obama/Marxist-controlled Democrat party.

The only check on the District Court judges are the Circuit Courts of Appeal and ultimately the Supreme Court.  Currently, 50% of serving Circuit Court judges were appointed by Obama/Biden.  Historically, a president during his term will appoint 30–35 Circuit Court judges; thus, by 2029, the Marxists will have appointed 74% of all Circuit Court judges.

The two oldest Supreme Court justices, Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito, will be 80 and 78 years old, respectively, by 2028, opening up the distinct possibility of the Democrats appointing multiple replacements.  In that case, the Supreme Court will also make a dramatic turn to the radical left.

Consequently, there will be no recourse for the American citizenry.  No one who opposes the Democrat party regime will receive equitable treatment in the courts, and virtually no action by the administration or the “swamp” will ultimately be declared illegal or unconstitutional.  The Democrat party will have free rein to govern.

The Democrats, in alliance with a transformed Judiciary, will embed government censorship under the guise of controlling disinformation or threats to the nation.  The Second Amendment will come under renewed attack and will be dramatically altered.  Religious freedom and assembly will be progressively restricted, as will the right of parents to raise their children as they see fit.

Racial, tribal, and cultural animosity will increasingly engulf the nation as Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity combined with radical environmentalism will become the underpinning of laws, regulations, and executive orders that will be immune from any challenges as they will be upheld by a compliant Judiciary.

Since Biden’s inauguration, over 10 million illegal aliens have descended upon the United States.

Added to the 22+ million illegals already in the country, 10% of the American population are here illegally, voting and absorbing untold billions of dollars in benefits and welfare while depriving American citizens of jobs and wealth creation.

This process will continue unabated during the next Democrat administration as upwards of at least another 12+ million will be granted unrestricted access.  By 2029, there could be as many as 45–50 million illegal aliens in the United States.

Over the next four years, the Democrats will pass a mass amnesty bill.  Within this bill will be an accelerated path to citizenship.  A dependable Democrat voting bloc will be created as the nation begins to fracture and balkanize.

Since the ascendancy of the Biden administration, the American populace has been blindsided by the impact of ever-rising inflation.  That trend will not only continue, but accelerate if the Obama/Marxist-controlled Democrat party remains in power.

This massive decline in the purchasing value of the dollar has been caused by excessive government spending, which created massive annual deficits, which in turn precipitated de facto money-printing by the Federal Reserve and earth-shattering levels of national indebtedness.

In 2008, the total national debt since the founding of the country was $10.0 trillion.  Since 2008, $25.2 trillion has been added to the national debt, which now totals $35.20 trillion.  Of the $25.0 trillion added since 2008, $18.0 trillion (or 72%) has been accumulated during the Obama/Biden presidencies.

If the Democrats continue in power, by 2034, per the Congressional Budget Office, the national debt will increase by least $21 trillion to $56 trillion.  Interest payments alone will approach $2.5 trillion, or 92% of current income tax receipts.

These same Democrats are also proposing massive tax hikes on wealth, wealth creation, investments, capital, and income.  These tax increases combined with escalating government control of the economy and out-of-control spending will result in real annual economic growth being nearly nonexistent.

With this overall scenario, America’s ability to sell its debt at any reasonable interest rate to international investors will be curtailed, as the United States will have become a grossly irresponsible debtor nation.  Consequently, the Federal Reserve will have to continually buy the government’s debt, thereby effectively printing money and fomenting unending and accelerating inflation.

The United States will have descended into a downward spiral that can only end in insolvency, chaos, and collapse.

Lastly, the Democrats will do whatever it takes to pass a bill previously introduced and passed by the House in 2021.  This bill effectively nationalizes all elections, codifies mass mail-in voting, legalizes ballot-harvesting, embeds same-day registration, and makes permanent no requirement for identification or proof of citizenship to vote — thus assuring Democrat one-party dominance in future elections.

I am not alone in my concern for the future of this magnificent country.  There are many of us who either survived a war initiated by the proponents of Nazism or communism or lived under the thumb of Marxist-inspired dictatorships, warning our fellow citizens about the abyss that lies over the horizon.

The Democrat party is the ideological successor to those despots in the twentieth century whose single-minded quest for power deprived untold millions of life and liberty in countries around the globe.

The American Marxists will be on the cusp of transforming the United States into a one-party socialist oligarchy if they win in 2024.  All Republican candidates, including Donald Trump, and their surrogates must focus on this reality and not name-calling and one-upmanship.  Leave that to the indoctrinated candidates and supporters of the Democrat party.


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