

Thursday, August 1, 2024

IT WAS A SETUP! Pelosi’s Aides Received Warning of Capitol Breach THE NIGHT BEFORE Jan. 6 – But Pelosi Blocked National Guard from the Capitol Anyway

A lot of informed people knew all this.  It was a setup and a distraction to finalize a corrupt election?  Mayer Bowwow was knee deep in Shit in this also by refusing the requested Military security by Trump


Footage was released in June from the House Oversight Committee of Nancy Pelosi taking responsibility for the January 6, 2021, protests and rioting at the US Capitol.

Nancy Pelosi: “I take responsibility.”


And on Monday, John Solomon at Just the News reported that Nancy Pelosi’s top security aides received warnings about a potential Capitol breach the night before the January 6 protests.

Pelosi could have called in the National Guard.  She decided not to.

January 6 was always a set-up.  And the evidence confirms that Pelosi was in on it.

Via Just the News.

Two top House security aides under then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi got stark warnings from police the night before the Jan. 6 riots that protesters might try to breach the U.S. Capitol through its tunnel systems and block lawmakers from voting to certify Joe Biden’s presidential election win, according to newly obtained memos and text messages.

The documents obtained by Just the News also confirm that Pelosi’s team played a role in the botched security planning for that fateful day.

“We have identified numerous open source comments indicating groups intentions of finding the tunnel entrances and confronting/blocking the MOCs (Members of Congress),” Capitol Police Deputy Chief Sean Gallagher wrote Deputy House Sergeant at Arms Tim Blodgett at 8:55 p.m. on Jan. 5, 2021 in an email that got forwarded overnight to Blodgett’s boss, then-Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving.

A second warning was sent later that evening about possible threats against Supreme Court justices, and the sergeant-at arms-office scheduled a briefing for Pelosi’s then-chief of staff Terri McCullough the next morning, hours before the breach occurred, according to the messages obtained by House Administration Oversight Subcommittee Chairman Barry Loudermilk.

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As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, former Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser were both warned about the security situation prior to January 6th, and they both turned down National Guard troops at the US Capitol that day.

Pelosi and Mayor Muriel Bowser turned down thousands of National Guard troops at the Capitol on January 6 for political reasons.

Chris Wray’s FBI also refused to notify the Trump administration and his cabinet secretaries that they believed there could be violence like the mass protests at the Capitol that took place that day.

Nancy Pelosi also refused the National Guard at the US Capitol due to “politics,” but that is just her excuse. What did she know in advance?

Capitol Police Chief Steve Sund previously testified that he asked House and Senate security officials for permission to request that the D.C. National Guard be placed on standby in case he needed quick backup.

But they both turned him down.


Pelosi was not honest about their communications.

John Solomon from Just The News released an explosive report in 2022 that revealed Capitol Police were first warned about possible violence at the January 6th protests TWO WEEKS before the planned rallies.

Pelosi, Mayor Bowser, and other government officials turned down the National Guard anyway. It's as if they "hoped" for an "insurrection."

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Solomon says the DHS and District of Columbia were made aware of online threats of violence two weeks before the protests and rally.

Nancy Pelosi later refused to turn over her communications surrounding January 6. And Democrats later destroyed evidence from their interviews with officials involving the January 6 riots.

According to PJ Media - The U.S. Senate knew Nancy Pelosi had more to do with the U.S. Capitol breach on January 6, 2021, than anything President Trump did that day. Indeed, Nancy Pelosi could be crowned Queen of the Mob, since her actions led to the crashing of the perimeter fences, general dysfunction, and deaths of Trump supporters that day.  Pelosi was more responsible for the marauding mob at the Capitol that day than anything President Trump did to “incite” his huge crowd of supporters.

And in April, DC National Guard whistleblowers testified that the Pentagon, under the direction of Mark Milley, refused to deploy the National Guard that day until after 5 PM.

Pelosi blocked the National Guard from protecting the Capitol that day - Mark Milley blocked the National Guard from deploying until after 5 PM.

It was ALWAYS the Pelosi insurrection. 

You can imagine what we have yet to learn about Pelosi and Milley's actions that day that left the US Capitol open and unprotected! 

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