

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Kamala calls for 'pathway to citizenship' for every illegal border crosser

 She can stick that citizenship garbage up her ass.   She claims the border policies are broke.  Old talking point of the Left.  There fix is amnesty for all.  That will shut them up.  Trump had the border about closed until these Dirtbags opened up and now she says immigration is broken?   What a Stinking Liar

Kamala Harris now says she's tough on the border.

So after three years of playing "border czar," or as she insists, looking for all those 'root causes' as to why migrants are pouring in over our open borders, she's suddenly telling her adoring crowds she's all in for tough border enforcement.

Here's her ad:

The old gal reads the polls, of course, and knows what voters want to hear ... which isn't what they've been hearing from the Harris-Biden administration.

"So I was attorney-general of a border state. I went after trans-national gangs -- the drug cartels, and human traffickers. I prosecuted them -- in case after case.  And I won. So I know what I'm talking about. We know our immigration system is broken, and we know what it takes to fix it: Comprehensive reform, that includes strong border security and an earned pathway to citizenship."

Which doesn't sound terribly serious, let alone what voters are looking for.

This analyst doesn't think anyone's going to believe her:

How is it a pathway to citizenship for people who crossed into the U.S. illegally going to disincentize the desire of millions to come over without papers?

Holding out citizenship to these lawbreakers is to reward the lawbreaking. After all, if you can come illegally and get a plethora of benefits even legal immigrants don't get, with a U.S. passport at the end of the rainbow, why would you do it any different?

It's astonishing how little she understands of human incentive, creating huge incentives to come to the states illegally and keep the surge going.

In other parts of her speech, she's talked of "hiring" more Border Patrol agents, which is hardly a solution to the surge given that Border Patrol agents are not allowed to do their jobs, but must serve as Wal-Mart-style greeters to incoming foreigners without papers or vetting, "processing" these migrants instead of sending them back.

More agents, more processors, and as any retailer can tell you, when you open up extra checkout lanes, you get more customers in line buying.

We thought she spent time on studying why people immigrate illegally.

As any of her departed aides can say, she doesn't do her homework.

She also claims she will sign the recent failed border bill as if Joe Biden somehow refused to. Of course, she's trying to claim President Trump was the culprit, but he was not in office when this travesty, which normalizes the current border surge with 5,000 "free" illegal crossings per day, and everything subject to a president's whims, was hatched in the Senate.

But that's probably not what this is about.

Harris is an appointed creature loyal to her big anonymous campaign donors who knows that she wouldn't be where she is were it not for them wanting her to be there as their obedient puppet.

Their agenda is open immigration with an utterly devalued U.S. citizenship open to all comers, the better to cut America down a peg.

They also seek warm bodies to fill slots for Democrat congressional districts depleted of people owing to flight to red states. All that flight to red states normally cuts congressional representation to failed districts, but not if illegals can take their place, voting or not.

And while a lot of them are voting, a lot are just generating ballots by their residency in junk-mail voting states where every resident gets a mail-in ballot, asked for or not. Someone gets hold of the ballots in the trash, or on the return from a slightly errant address, and fills those ballots out for them.

Guess which side does that?

And now that every border surger gets to be a U.S. citizen, why would someone like Kamala Harris change that situation? Everyone -- Democrat ruling elites, Democrat donors, and illegals -- win.

The only people who lose are the American people, including those who are too dumb to recognize this dynamic as driving the higher taxes they pay, the two-tier justice they witness, the falling wages, the reduced access to city services, the bankrupt hospitals, the soaring crime, and the jobs lost.

Kamala Harris is trying mightily to conceal her leftist agenda as she campaigns pretending to be a moderate. But her record is so visible, so bad, and so dangerous one can only hope the voters can see through it. She speaks with forked tongue, trying to claim she'd be tough on border security while incentivizing illegal immigration more than it already is. She's always been a phony.

Amnesty Kamala's presidency, should she win it, would be a disaster.



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