

Monday, August 12, 2024

Liberal Gaslighting Goes Global

 The problem with many liberals is they can’t live in their own truth. They abandon ship as soon as it becomes inconvenient to maintain their current persona. The most obvious and telling recent examples come from the Democrat Presidential candidate-by-fiat, Kamala Harris. For the last three and a half years, she was ‘The Border Czar.’ Everyone knew it. Biden announced it with much ballyhoo, and she was referred to as ‘The Border Czar’ by the television, print, and electronic media repeatedly.  As the Vice President, she ran interference for Joe Biden. (He didn’t create the huge border fiasco; she did.)

But once the Nancy Pelosi-Barack Obama-Chuckie Schumer coup d’etat had been executed and Kamala Harris had been installed as the de facto Democrat Presidential nominee, her Border Czar title became a major political liability. She was no longer running interference for Ol’ Joe. She was the new figurehead for the Democrat presidential campaign. Any stain of failure, especially one tied to the massive disaster of the southern United States border, was a huge threat to her Presidential aspirations. So, the Democrat political machine, together with their legacy media propaganda juggernaut, went full George Orwell on John Q. Public. CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, the New Yorker, Axios, and a score of other legacy media began trumpeting: ‘Kamala Harris was never the Border Czar!’

Unfortunately for the gaslighters, and thanks to the internet, there is an abundance of records of them dubbing her with that title. Take Axios, for instance. In late July, they wrote:

"In the past few days, the Trump campaign and Republicans have tagged Harris repeatedly with the "border czar" title -- which she never actually had." Axios, July 24, 2024.

Except, in their own words:

"The number of unaccompanied minors crossing the border has reached crisis levels. Harris, appointed by Biden as border czar, said she would be looking at the "root causes" that drive migration." Axios, April 14, 2021. (Emphasis added.)

Media organizations believed they could just rewrite history wholesale and get away with it. Even more amazing, the Democrat faithful have accepted their gaslighting as gospel.

And it’s not just Kamala’s record as Border Czar they’re trying to eradicate. They’re desperate to reverse all her historic policy positions, from defunding the police, to abolishing I.C.E., to initiating a national mandatory gun buy-back program, a total ban on fracking in America, citizenship for illegal immigrants, and more. In my six decades of following politics, I’ve never seen such a massive and brazen effort to re-engineer a politician’s identity. (CNN calls it ‘recalibrating’.) To be sure, Barack Obama’s identity was fabricated out of whole cloth, but he was obscure enough beforehand so that they had no trouble creating his fictional persona.

Leaving presidential politics aside, there’s another example of major liberal gaslighting going on, this one from the Paris Olympics. By now, everyone in the Western Hemisphere (unless you’ve been living off the grid under a rock) has heard the uproar over the opening ceremony produced, directed, and starring a bevy of drag queens, gays, lesbians, and other members of the LGBTQ+ ‘community.’ The opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics was an outrageous and blasphemous display of sacrilege against the Christian faith and one of its most sacred events: The Last Supper.

The reaction to this despicable parody was immediate and unequivocal. Christians, Christian Churches, Christian leaders, and political leaders from all over the world condemned the ‘ceremony’ as disgusting and repugnant. Even corporate sponsors of the Olympics voiced outrage. The furor continued to boil for days.

At first, the perpetrators of this abomination fought back belligerently, claiming artistic freedom and basically telling the Christian world to ‘suck it.’ But as the outrage continued, the purveyors of this loathsome spectacle took a different tack. Suddenly, the Olympic Committee started claiming that all these Christians and other incensed observers were displaying ignorance and stupidity -- because the tableau wasn’t a parody of the Last Supper at all. Why, no. It was an homage to a Greco-Roman Bacchanal -- the Feast of Dionysus. Many of the supporters adopted the smug attitude of intellectual superiority. How could anyone be so ill-educated as to miss the truth of the matter?

So now we have gaslighting on a global scale. Sadly, some of the more timid critics bought this pablum and sheepishly recanted. Even among the Christian community. And truth to tell, the picture of the Feast of Dionysus does have some remarkably similar content. I confess, I started to waver -- until I did some research of my own.

That’s when I discovered the fact that the title of this ‘ceremony’ in the very documentation of the Paris Olympics is, La Cene Sur La Scene, Sur La SeineThat was the formal title of this travesty. Not being an expert in the French tongue, I had to find a translation. It wasn’t hard. Google Translate provided it instantly. La Cene Sur La Scene Sur La Siene means: The Last Supper on the Stage on the Seine.

There it is. The title is ‘The Last Supper on the Stage on the Seine.’ The operative phrase? ‘The Last Supper.’ Not ‘The Feast of Dionysus.’ Not at all. Not even close. And yet, the gaslighters are out in droves trying to tell us all not to believe our lyin’ eyes.

If that weren’t enough, the rotund lesbian at the center of the table posted to Instagram shortly after the ceremony and boasted: “Oh, yes! Oh, yes! The gay New Testament!’ Not ‘The gay Feast of Dionysus.’ Oh, no! Oh, no! ‘The gay New Testament.’ As the furor boiled over, she surreptitiously removed the post; but the damage had been done. To quote the X-Files, ‘The truth is out there’.

So, the next time one of your liberal friends tries to gaslight you with the fabricated story of the ‘Feast of Dionysus,’ and how ignorant you are, just ask them if know they name of the opening ceremony -- and then put the hammer down.

Sadly, this won’t be the last blasphemous attack on the Christian faith. Not by a long shot. These people hate Christianity because it doesn’t resonate with, or endorse, their pagan lifestyle. They’ll lie in wait for the next opportunity to pounce. Expect it; be prepared for it. And don’t be dismayed by it. As St. Paul wrote to Timothy:

But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God...” (II Timothy 3:1-5)

If that doesn’t perfectly describe the age in which we’re living, then nothing does.


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