

Sunday, August 4, 2024

The coming terrorist attacks

 Scarcely a week goes by we don’t hear about more known terrorists caught—most are never caught--at the border, like these:

Border Patrol agents took three suspected Palestinian terrorists into custody earlier this month after they illegally crossed the border from Mexico into California, the New York Post reported. One of the men reportedly had a “salacious photo” of a masked man holding an AK-47 rifle, the article states.

Graphic: X Screenshot

Just another day at the border, just another batch of Islamist terrorists who happened to stroll across the Atlantic or Pacific on their way to our southern border.  Nothing to see here; move along, move along.

As one might expect, our Department of Homeland Security consistently avoids making our homeland secure:

The Department of Homeland Security has refused to follow a law mandating it take DNA samples from illegal immigrants taken into custody, which would identify violent criminals and child traffickers, employees told the U.S. Senate this week.

Speaking to senators on Tuesday, three former officials presented evidence that DHS and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) had blocked their efforts to comply with a 2005 law, then retaliated against them when they sounded the alarm about the lawbreaking.

“Given the enormous potential of DNA collection to facility solving crimes, we took our job seriously,” Fred Wynn said.

But DHS leadership doesn’t.

One terrorist attack vector ignored by the Biden—now Harris—Administration is electromagnetic pulse—EMP—attacks.  Such weapons, which can be quite small, have the potential to return parts of America to the pre-industrial age in a millisecond. Properly employed, they fry anything electronic—cars, watches, cell service, electric generation and dispersal, medical devices, refrigerators, computers, anything electronic within range of the detonation will be instantly destroyed. Ironically, electric vehicles would be scrapped. There would be no rebooting of unshielded electronics.  All would have to be replaced or repaired. Repairmen would be overwhelmed, and the supply chain shut down. The destruction of everything that makes modern life possible would kill hundreds of thousands, even millions, while leaving the trappings of civilization intact. And oh yes, we do need to worry about this:

"Iran has rushed to supply Hezbollah with electromagnetic bombs that can paralyze communications and disable radars as the risk of the border confrontation with Israel turning into a full-scale war grows," according to a Jerusalem Post summary of an Al-Jarida report.

Why should we care about what Iran is doing on the other side of the planet?

If Hezbollah gains the ability next week or next year to effectively hit Israel with EMP weapons, it will be the week or the year after that some other terrorist organization hits the U.S. with them, too.

It's safe and easy to predict that far more people would have died after a swarm of EMP drones upon New York City than died in the Twin Towers on 9/11. That's why I clap and cheer every time I read that Israel has killed another Hezbollah leader or destroyed another Hamas unit. Every terrorist they kill over there is one less to attack us here.

Iran and their Islamist terrorist proxies, consider America the “great Satan,” and Israel the “little Satan.” They hate, and want to murder, us no less than they do Israel and the Jews. We’re just less accessible, though they have sent terrorists—likely thousands—across our wide-open borders. If they can, with cartel help, smuggle AKs, RPGs and explosives across the border, they can do the same with EMP devices. Israel’s war against terror is our war, but the Democrat Party nominee, Kamala Harris, isn’t on our side.

The Cartels helping Islamist terrorists and the Chinese Communists are also preparing, and they’re already here too:

Graphic: X Screenshot

I last wrote about this issue in July in Terrorist attacks in America: just a matter of time? That article suggested a number of reasons the thousands of terrorists already in America—more are arriving daily—might bide their time. Waiting for EMPs might be another, more destructive reason to wait.

With Kamala Harris as the Democrat nominee, the Biden/Harris open border policy will only get worse. Joe is already emasculated; he just doesn’t know it. Here’s an example of what we can expect:

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) released two illegal Jordanian aliens who tried to breach Quantico after they posted bail.

They—Islamist terrorists--posted a small bail and promised to show up for their court date.

Authorities arrested Hasan Yousef Hamdan, 32, and Mohammad Khair Dabous, 28, on May 3 for trespassing after they tried to breach Marine Corps Base Quantico when they approached the gates in a box truck.

Real terrorist attacks are coming, and we’re ruled by America-hating useful idiots.


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