

Friday, August 9, 2024

The Kamala Strategy: Hide Kamala, Push Walz, Rally like Trump, Harvest Illegal Votes


There are so many black swan events over the last 45 days that it is very easy to get black swan dispassion when you are staring right at the event.  The chaff and flares from the intentional distractions are beginning to fade and the Kamala strategy (the real Black Swan event to focus on) is becoming clear.  Steal the ball from Biden (who never had it) on his own 20-yard line, fake a pass, and then run hard left down the sideline in the last few minutes of the Presidential Election cycle hoping no one notices.

After seeing Joe “Ka-powed” on June 27, the Obama Deep State Team has come up with a strategy for Kamala.  The Obamers had to call an audible without a huddle after DJT did almost nothing but say, “I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don’t think he knows what he said either,”.  With one sentence, Biden was KO’d worse than “Low Energy Jeb” and that was the end of the Biden Presidency.  After an assassination attempt against Trump and a triumphant RNC Convention that set a Mount Olympus bar for all future Conventions, the Deep State pulled a palace coup and implemented their four-part plan.

Line of Effort #1:  Have Kamala wave from the stage, but keep Kamala away from the Microphone

All good Deep State plans use the term “Lines of Effort” in their implementation annex (LOE to the professional Deep State bureaucrat).  The first LOE requires the enablement of the complicit, corrupt Legacy Media to shamelessly portray a “Vogue Cover” Kamala.  In this LOE, the state news media will show Kamala endlessly smiling, waving, and likely nervously laughing on stage.  No one can hear the nervous laugh with all the noise from the hired band.

The Keep Kamala away from the microphone LOE emphasizes sudden euphoria and adulation over Kamala that somehow didn’t exist before July 21.  It is also important to ignore her 2019 campaign when she failed to garner a single delegate.  This LOE is hard to mess up, just keep her smiling and waving, but don’t let Kamala say anything substantive into the microphone.  If she starts to, hand out free stuff to the attendees drawn by the free tickets to the headline band or amp up the Palestinian Protestors.

Line of Effort #2:  Bring in Walz to be the “Populist” voice at the Microphone

The Deep Staters despise Trump but are in awe of his powers, so what better way to try to match Trump than by creating an affable appearing, but communist evil twin to ensnare the low information voter into thinking they are dealing with a man of the people.  Governor Walz of Minnesota is that Peter Griffin Maoist.  Tim Walz said it very clearly, “one person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness”.  Translated through the Deep State Translation machine, the real meaning is, “You own nothing and are happy with that”.

Tim Walz, Governor of Minnesota, is a charlatan who is a hard left radical and is destroying Minnesota with woke policies. The real metric of Walz’s tenure in Minnesota:  the population is leaving (but like California they are juicing the numbers with illegal aliens re-titled as legal).  Walz has no problems pushing out the legacy population to make room for illegal aliens and the Covid Scam Boiler Room Operation of Minneapolis.  Walz could have just said he served but chose to steal valor with easy to spot lies about his military record.  When real Command Sergeant Majors start shooting your story full of holes, it is bad.  This LOE is looking wobbly as Walz has Swift Boated himself.

Line of Effort #3:  Rally like Trump (kind of)

Kamala/Walz are cloning the Trump model of showing up with Air Force Presidential aircraft to do rallies. There is a big difference though, the Kamala rallies are a formica overlay on top of free concerts.  The Kamala/Walz Team just can’t get enough Trump and are impersonating Trump like a bad Elvis Role Playing Actor (RPA).

Walz channels his Communist RPA of the common citizen while Kamala waves, it’s a great model.  Atlanta, Philadelphia, Detroit, the Kamala Elastic Potential Energy Tour has sprung out of seemingly nowhere.  It’s almost as if this LOE was already planned after June 27 but before July 21.  Hiring bands and venues on such short notice is the work of magicians, or fastidious strategic planners.

Line of Effort #4:  Harvest the Ballots of Illegals

The Election Maladministration Plan is already in play for 2024.  It is called the intersection of the 1993 Motor Voter Law with the massive hordes of Biden’s Illegal Aliens.   Counties across the nation are blowing off any requirement to validate the 18USC611 provisions.  This is the game for 2024, use the 1993 Motor Voter Law to get Illegal Alien driver license applicants on the rolls, and have Blue Leaning County Registrars/Recorders ignore 18USC611 and keep them on the rolls.  As Katherine Engelbrecht has pointed out, there is the 18USC611(c)(3) escape clause, “the alien reasonably believed at the time of voting in violation of such subsection that he or she was a citizen of the United States.”  Governor Youngkin of Virginia is showing “Action, Action, Action” with a timely Executive Order that at least shines a light on the world of County Registrars and the lack of any credible process that demonstrates affirmation of 18USC611.

The Four LOEs will be the strategy until the next Black Swan event occurs that is unforeseen by the Obama Deep Staters.  There will be one, the Masters of the Universe are not omnipotent over world events.  Once that happens, Kamala and Walz could become forgotten, just like that old guy trapped in 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, looking forlornly for ice cream.



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