

Friday, December 6, 2013


In an interview earlier in the day on Thursday, President Barack Obama made the claim that it was his management style to hold his cabinet 

On Obama’s management style claim: 

“On the first, the claim is farcical. We have Benghazi. Nobody has been held accountable. Surely not the secretary of state. The only person who was demoted is the number two ambassador in Tripoli who was rather heroic that night. And he got sent the to a desk job because he spoke out about it. And as for the botched rollout, nobody has been held accountable in HHS. Then you have the attorney general. Was he held accountable when he deceived the American people over the eaves dropping on the associated press reporter and on James Rosen? No. there was no accountability. But I thought the second claim the president made was interesting. He’s right. The big strides were made when you have big majorities. But there is one big difference. In the New Deal and the Great Society, even though FDR and LBJ had great majorities, they always took care to make sure the big socially revolutionary pieces of legislation had some support, in fact large support, from the opposition. Social Security did, Medicare did, Medicaid did, Civil Rights did. Obama, in an act of what I would call constitutional indecency because it is legal to do it, but it isn't traditional in any way, he passed Obama care without a single member supporting him in either house from the other side, against public opinion. And after we had an off year election in Massachusetts where the candidate for the Republicans ran on a platform of opposing Obamacare. So they shoved it down the throat of the American people, through Congress on a legislative maneuver called reconciliation. And that’s the reason he’s standing in the wind as this whole thing, Obamacare collapses around him. He did not do what FDR and LBJ did. They understood that these majorities are temporary. Obama seized on the temporary majority in ‘09 and ‘10 and passed something the American people rejected. Now he's reaping the whirlwind from that. 

On if congressional Republicans have an obligation to fix the flawed law: 

“Not if you believe as the Republicans do and as I do that the law is in and of itself a disaster, that the architecture of the law, the intrusiveness of the law, the contradictory nature of the law is such that it cannot work it's going to hurt overall the American medicine which is the finest in the world and you really have to start over. If it was reparable I would say to repair it. It is not. You have to start over, address the uninsured as a discrete issue, a discrete problem. You have to address the problem of pre-existing conditions as a discrete problem. You don't call for remaking one-sixth of the economy on the grounds of experts who think in Washington that in 20,000 pages of regulation they are going to remake as complex an ecosystem as American medicine. So that was the wrong approach from the start. It’s a principled position to say it won't work. It cannot work, but let’s do something else.”


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