

Friday, December 6, 2013

Poll: Obama Approval Among Hispanics Plunges

Wow, this is awful..............NOT!

Gallup's latest numbers measuring Obama's approval ratingshow he is losing substantial support among Hispanic adults.  Obama's Job approval numbers in December 2012 found 75% of Hispanics approved of the President's job perfomance. Fast-forward one year and that figure has dropped to 52%, a loss of almost one-quarter. 

And approval levels for the President are pretty much down across the board. 
Low-income adults (less that $24K a year) and non-whites register an 18% and 17% drop respectively over the last year. 
The subgroups showing the smallest changes are those that are generally least approving of Obama, and thus had less room to drop -- conservatives who identify with or lean toward the Republican Party (from 7% to 5%), self-identified Republicans (from 11% to 8%), and self-identified conservatives of any party affiliation (from 26% to 20%).
Even support among African-Americans, who give Obama the highest ratings among all the subgroups, shows a 9% drop over the last year. 

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