

Saturday, May 19, 2018

DISGRACEFUL! Foaming-at-the-mouth Hollywood leftist nut job, Chelsey Handler, compares Netanyahu to Hitler and Gaza to the Nazi death camp at Auschwitz

If it wasn’t clear how much Chelsea Handler hates Israel and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from her attack on Nikki Haley on Tuesday, two tweets she sent 15 minutes later made it abundantly clear, as she likened Netanyahu to Adolf Hitler and the Palestinians in Gaza, who are bent on Israel’s destruction, to the millions of Jews slaughtered in the Holocaust.

Daily Wire  Handler’s insane hatred of Israel and Netanyahu was condemned on Twitter:
Daily Wire  On Tuesday, after U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley tore into the U.N. Security Council for its incredible bias against Israel, Higher Intellect and apparent Israel-hater Chelsea Handler, who swallows leftist media narratives whole without considering evidence that might defy her ignorance, ripped Haley for standing up for the Jewish state.
Handler, who pretends to a toughness that Haley actually embodies, saw her bubble of leftist ignorance explode with the help of plenty of reality-checkers on Twitter:

Would somebody please direct this ignorant terrorist-sympathizer to a video all about Gaza, produced by none other than Al-Jazeera.

Karma, anyone? After only 2 seasons, Netflix cancelled Chelsea Handler’s series.


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