

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Michael Avenatti's sneaky leaker leaves a slimy trail

A lot of us are asking how President Trump's personal lawyer's attorney-client records got into the hands of a sleazy porn star's lawyer named Michael Avenatti, who then blew the records all over the press for his own political gain.  It was reminiscent of the sort of stunts Larry Flynt used to pull with his calls to pay for confidential information to embarrass political opponents, except it seemed even creepier.  Here we saw the Washington leak game taken to new lows, raising questions for the rest of us about whether anyone's attorney-client records were ever safe.  What's more, as with most of these Washington power games, the leakers would get away with it – meaning that it would always be de facto "legal" to pull this sort of thing, because nobody ever gets caught.
Well, maybe not this time.  That is reason for all of us to cheer.
Bloomberg is reporting that the leaker of those records, like a snail, left a slimy electronic trail that investigators are now getting their hands on.
The identity of the law enforcement official who supplied details of Michael Cohen's banking activities to media-savvy lawyer Michael Avenatti probably won't remain secret for long, according to people who work in the field.
Anyone who gains access to the government's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network database of bank-generated suspicious activity reports, known as SARs, leaves an audit trail, they explained.  So whoever searched for FinCEN reports filed against personal or business accounts associated with Cohen, President Donald Trump's longtime personal lawyer, left a digital record that is almost certainly under review.

Once the information became public through news reports, the Treasury Department's inspector general began an inquiry into the suspected leak.
The Bloomberg account is interesting because it traced back to the leaker, who talked to Ronan Farrow of the New Yorker, justifying his leak to the sleazy lawyer by claiming he couldn't find some documents he wanted to read.  (It's unknown whether he had any business reading them, but given the experience of the "unmaskings" by President Obama's officials, one can guess.)  And like James Comey, the leaker wanted to make it all right through what he thought were secret leaks to the press, using the porno lawyer, who we know is in all kinds of trouble for his ethical practices in at least two states, and certainly being investigated for it in one.
Doesn't sound like the right way to make a wrongful situation right – particularly considering the political gain that resulted for the left in the nonstop coverage of the Stormy Daniels porn star hush money story.  In fact, the whole thing sounds like excuse-making from some sneak who realizes he got caught and now wants to get on his high horse.
How very nice it is to know that there actually are safeguards for consumers in this disgusting episode, which above all was about the violation of attorney-client privilege by crazed leftists still upset about the 2016 election and still addicted to the Alinskyite maxim of "by any means necessary."  America is a nation that's ruled by law and, despite the damage the Obama administration did to it, still has a few tattered remnants of law to protect it.
How nice it will be to see the leaker exposed in this one.  He wanted to embarrass President Trump and damage his capacity to govern.  Now he's getting his career ruined and the new label of sneak for his inability to act professionally.  Betcha he didn't see that one coming.

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