

Saturday, May 19, 2018

WHITE HOUSE PETITION: President Trump must IMMEDIATELY sign an executive order Making e-Verify Mandatory for All Businesses

A new White House petition was posted this week calling on President Trump to immediately sign an executive order to make e-Verify mandatory for all US businesses.

President Trump must IMMEDIATELY sign an executive order making it mandatory for all U.S. businesses to use e-Verify

Most Americans do not realize e-Verify is an optional program for businesses in several states.
This has to stop.
As long as employers are not held accountable illegal aliens will continue to flood into this country.
The petition author E.B. added this on the petition.
U.S. Citizens shouldn’t be responsible to pay for the lives of illegal aliens and the services they use, including but not limited to education and healthcare. Likewise, businesses must be held accountable for hiring legitimate workers. Today, less than 3% of businesses participate in e-Verify because it’s voluntary.
Congress has demonstrated a lack of will to stop illegal immigration. Therefore, the President must use the powers granted him to remove the incentive for illegal aliens to travel to and remain in the U.S. unlawfully by eliminating their ability to secure a JOB.
Americans want the rule of law enforced NOW. This petition calls upon President Trump to immediately sign an executive order making e-Verify mandatory for all U.S. businesses, no exceptions.
Hard working U.S. Citizens shouldn’t be responsible to pay for the lives of illegal aliens and the services they use, including but not limited to education and healthcare. Likewise, businesses that received huge tax cuts from the President’s landmark tax reform legislation must be held accountable for hiring legitimate workers. Today, less than 3% of businesses participate in e-Verify because it’s voluntary.
Congress has demonstrated a lack of will to stop illegal immigration. Therefore, the President must use the powers granted him to remove the incentive for illegal aliens to travel to and remain in the U.S. unlawfully by eliminating their ability to secure a JOB.
Americans want the rule of law enforced NOW. The President must immediately sign an executive order making e-Verify mandatory.

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