Like her rival Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Kamala Harris, Sen. Amy Klobuchar is out poor-mouthing herself as a identity-politics pioneer who rose up through inconquerable barriers and impossible discouragement as a woman, and for that now deserves the right to rule us.
Here she is speaking to Chuck Todd, telling us all how tough she had it:
It doesn't get more fake than that, given that Klobuchar grew up in the 1970s, back when little girls were being told rather loudly by Gloria Steinem and the entire establishment that they could be anything they wanted to be. I remember the era and not once do I recall women being told they couldn't do something ball ecause they were women. Astronaut Barbie? Little girls were playing with that back in 1965, four years before real men walked on the moon. Sesame Street? It was loaded with this type of talk - as it says itself, it's always been all about 'empowering' the girls. Give me a break.
Here's the observation of one Twitterer wise to Klobuchar and calling her out:
It's fake as heck, and it calls to mind the same effort put out by Kamala Harris to try to convince us that she grew up in Bull Connor's Berkeley in the 1980s. Remember this fakery Jim Hoft at GatewayPundit spotted?
Harris said she was a student in only the second class to integrate at Berkeley public schools.
Kamala Harris: Two decades after Brown v. Board, I was only the second class to integrate at Berkeley public schools. Without that decision, I likely would not have become a lawyer and eventually be elected a Senator from California. That’s the power a Supreme Court Justice holds.
There’s just one problem — Everything about that tweet is a lie.
Kamala’s parents were successful professionals. Kamala went to school in Berkeley for only 2 years. She then moved with her mother at age seven to Canada where she attended grade school and high school.
Kamala Harris was born in 1964
She claims she was only the second class to integrate at the Berkeley public schools.
Kamala lied.
Actually the classrooms in Berkeley were already integrated in 1963 — before she was born.
Here’s a photo from the 1963 Berkeley yearbook.
The rest can be read here.
So it's kind of interesting seeing the same pitch for votes coming from Klobuchar, who seems, like Harris, to have had a fairly privileged upbringing in a broken home, in her case, in Minnesota. Both women in fact, went into law and then became well-known as mean lawyers, mean prosecuting attorneys, which isn't exactly an attractive resume-enhancer with voters. Klobuchar is known to be utterly nasty as a human being, running every office she's roosted in through "fear, anger, and shame." Harris has had significant ethical problems throwing innocent people in jail through false testimony, which ought to mean jailtime for perpetrators, but she went to bat to defend. She too, is quite the nasty attorney.
Now the pair of them each want to be president, running on an undifferentiated socialism platform, leaving only identity politics as the selling point. In Democrat-world, claiming victimhood is the way to the top of the heap, so each privileged and mean lawyer seeks to push her status upward by poor-mouthing her background. When there's nothing to poor-mouth, and only a history of sleeping to the top in Harris's case, the next best thing is to make something up.
Color those of us who remember the real world for girls in the 1970s and beyond disgusted. We all know what went down back them. These women are phonies.
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