

Friday, March 22, 2019

Hillary Clinton and Lanny Davis Tried to Establish a Secret Back Channel to Israel, Classified Emails Reveal

Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch announced Thursday it discovered at least 5 more classified emails on Hillary Clinton’s private server system.
Judicial Watch announced Thursday it received 756 pages of emails that were among former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s non-“state.gov” materials she tried to delete or BleachBit.
Several of the emails discovered in this new tranche of documents contained classified information.
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The newly released emails marked “classified” revealed Hillary Clinton discussed establishing a private, “100% off-the-record” back channel to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
One of Hillary’s top aides warned her that she was in “danger” of being “savaged by Jewish organizations, in the Jewish press and among the phalanx of neoconservative media” as a result of political maneuvers by “Bibi and the Jewish leadership.”
In a September 2, 2010 email exchanged that was marked classified, Hillary Clinton’s longtime sewer-dwelling confidante and lawyer, Lanny Davis (yes, the same Lanny Davis who now represents Michael Cohen) tells Hillary that he could serve as a private channel for her to Netanyahu.
In September 2, 2010, email exchange marked classified, longtime Clinton confidante Lanny Davis tells Secretary Clinton that he could serve as a private channel for her to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, saying he had a “private and highly trusted communication line, unofficial and personal, to PM N[etanyahu].” Davis goes on to say “[N]o one on the planet (other than your wonderful husband) can get this done as well as you.…” Secretary Clinton responds with classified information, saying “I will reach out to you directly and hope you will continue to do the same w me. The most important issue now is [Redacted B1].”
In a September 18, 2010, email, Davis emails Clinton to tell her that “As soon as I wrote last email, I reverted to my old role as your crisis manager and worrier about you, read the word ‘optics’ I suddenly felt – oops. I am registered under FARA for one or more foreign governments or businesses. I don’t think it would look right. I want to avoid any even slight chance of misperception.” Clinton replies, “Thx for looking out for me, my friend. I’ll tell Cheryl to stand down.” Davis replied, “100% off-the-record.”
Recall, the Deep State-Democrat-media complex fiercely attacked Trump’s former National Security Advisor General Mike Flynn for talking to Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak on the phone before Trump’s inauguration, claiming his conversations violated the very obscure Logan Act which was established in 1799 and to this day never been invoked in a prosecution.

But Hillary Clinton is allowed to violate the Espionage Act with the use of a private server without fear of reprisal.
If not for Judicial Watch, the American public would never have known about Hillary Clinton’s private server that she used while she was the head of the Department of State.
Hillary Clinton conducted official business on her non-“state.gov” emails to evade FOIA because she wanted to conceal her Clinton Foundation pay-to-play.
Crooked Hillary Clinton repeatedly stated that the 55,000 pages she turned over to investigators contained all of her work related emails and that the 33,000 emails she destroyed and deleted were all personal emails that mainly contained Chelsea’s wedding plans and yoga.
In 2017, the FBI discovered 72,000 pages of documents that Hillary tried to delete or destroy and the State Department has been slow-walking the release of those documents.
“We continue to uncover the mishandling of classified information in Hillary Clinton emails that she tried to hide or destroy. This is further evidence of the urgency for the DOJ to finally undertake a complete and legitimate criminal investigation,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Attorney General Barr should immediately order a new investigation of the Hillary Clinton email scandal.”
You can support Tom Fitton and the team at Judicial Watch by clicking here.


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