

Friday, March 29, 2019

Time for the media to start telling the truth about Obamacare

After over two years of unrelenting attacks on President Trump based on the fictional Russian collusion story, I would think the media would be embarrassed and would try to make future content based on facts instead of Democrat talking points.  Obviously, that is an incorrect assumption, as they have started attacking Trump on replacing Obamacare by acting like it is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Since journalists have no interest in facts, I will gladly do their job with an abbreviated version of some of the unmitigated disasters and lies related to Obamacare.
In September 2009, President Obama said the bill was needed because 30 million were uninsured.  Today, there are 29 million uninsured.  While the population has grown, that is a pathetic result of taking away choice and raising costs substantially.
In 2010, when the CBO was doing its projections on Obamacare, it said 24 million would purchase through the exchanges by 2021.  In 2018, only around 12 million had purchased through the exchanges.  Why does anyone trust the CBO when it is frequently so far off?
Jonathan Gruber admitted that the Obama administration lied to the public to get Obamacare passed.  We know of Obama's continuous lies that you can keep your plan, that you can keep your doctor, and that premiums will go down substantially.  We know that Pelosi told her minions in the House that they must pass the bill to see what was in it. 

Gruber said it is the American people who are stupid.  Wasn't it the CBO, journalists, and Democrats in Congress who were stupid (or who didn't really care what the costs and results would be)?
Not one aspect of the bill would reduce costs, yet that is the lie that was foisted on the public by the complicit media. 
Politicians, journalists, and the public are railing about the cost of drugs, so why don't they finger Obama since he and his administration sold their souls to Big Pharma to get them to sign on to Obamacare?
Democrats are pushing Medicare for All, but look how they were willing to cut the already broke Medicare to pretend to pay for Obamacare. 
Obamacare cut $716 billion from Medicare in order to fund $1.9 trillion in new health care spending, through the law's expansion of Medicaid and its new subsidized exchanges.
Not only did they transfer over $716 billion from Obamacare, but in 2012, the Obama administration rewarded hospitals for not readmitting old people.  Does anyone trust Democrats who would do this to old people when they say they want this for all of us?
When Obamacare was passed, we were told it would improve health care for all of us, yet life expectancy unexpectedly went down for the third year in a row in 2018.  Besides hospitals not readmitting patients, people are dying from opiate overdoses.  Could Obama's allowing drug-running by terrorists to appease Iran have helped cause that? 
When Obamacare came up short of money, President Obama didn't go to Congress for supplemental appropriations.  Nope — that was too hard.  He just unconstitutionally stole it.  We did not see the media, Pelosi, Schumer, or Susan Collins call Obama a dictator and lecture about the Constitution and separation of powers and the importance of Congress having the power of the purse.  They have a cow only when Trump follows the national emergencies law Congress passed in 1976.  It is a shame that so many are confused as to which president follows the law and which one didn't care
Just how far did the Obama administration go to keep its failing signature program afloat? According to a new report from the Government Accountability Office, its Health and Human Services Department broke the law to bail out insurers participating in the health-insurance exchanges established by the Affordable Care Act. In doing so, it took funds meant to protect taxpayers and instead used them to pay off larger-than-expected losses under Obamacare.
Will this be the final nail in the coffin for the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as "Obamacare?"
Federal court litigation provides evidence the Obama administration illegally diverted taxpayer funds that had not been appropriated by Congress in an unconstitutional scheme to keep Obamacare from imploding.
In 2016, a U.S. District judge caught the Obama administration's Health and Human Services Department acting unconstitutionally and therefore put an end to the illegal diversion of taxpayer funds, but the Obama administration didn't stop there.
The Obama administration instead turned to the nation's two government-sponsored mortgage giants — the Federal National Mortgage Association, commonly known as "Fannie Mae," and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, commonly known as "Freddie Mac" — to invent a new diversion of funds in a desperate attempt to keep Obamacare from collapsing.
A key date is May 12, 2016.  That was the day when U.S. District Judge Rosemary Collyer, in the case U.S. House of Representatives v. Burwell, (130 F. Supp. 3d 53, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia), ruled against Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Matthews Burwell.
When Republicans were moving to get rid of the individual mandate, Democrats, the CBO, and the complicit media said premiums would go up substantially.  The predictions were wrong again.  Isn't it amazing how freedom of choice and markets work when the government isn't giving the insurance companies a captive audience?
Instead of automatically trashing Trump's proposal to repeal Obamacare and replace it with something that allows people freedom of choice, why don't they tell the public the good things Trump has done on health care in two short years?
Pollak: President Trump's Top 10 Health Care Achievements
1. Lower premiums.
2. Short-term plans.
3. End to individual mandate.
4. Group health plans across state lines.
5. Choice for veterans. 
 6. "Right to try." 
 7. Drug price information. 
8. Opioids and fentanyl.  The Obama administration failed to deal with the opioid epidemic, even declining to declare a national emergency to stop the proliferation of deadly fentanyl.  In contrast, President Trump has made the fight against opioids and fentanyl a priority.  His effort to build a barrier along the U.S.-Mexico border, and his administration's tougher border enforcement, have also aimed to improve public health by stopping the drug flow.
9. Better administration
10. Support for repeal. 
Why would journalists and other Democrats trust government to run 100% of health care if they were told the truth about what Democrats have done to harm Medicare recipients through Obamacare?



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