

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Donald Trump: Phony Investigation Started ‘Very High Up’ in the Obama Administration

It's time this Dirtbag starts talking? It all happened under his corrupt administration

The Associated Press

President Donald Trump said it was a “disgrace” that the phony investigation of his campaign for colluding with Russia began in President Barack Obama’s administration.

“It went very high up, and it started fairly low, but with instructions from the high up,” Trump said to reporters Tuesday. “This should never happen to a president again, we cannot allow that to take place.”
Trump commented on the case during a visit to Capitol Hill on Tuesday to meet with Senate Republicans after he was vindicated by Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s conclusion that there was no collusion between the Russians and his political campaign in the 2016 election.
Breitbart TV
When Trump was asked if the case ever reached the Obama inner circle in the West Wing, he replied, “I don’t want to say that, but I think you know the answer.”
He said that he wanted to stop the federal government and the intelligence agencies from ever attacking a future president again.
“I think what happened is a disgrace, I don’t believe our country should allow this to ever to happen again, this will never happen again, we cannot ever let it ever happen again,” he said.
On Monday, Trump said it was time to investigate Democrats for “very, very evil things,” and “treasonous things” against the United States.
When asked if he had a response to some Democrats who were still talking about impeachment, Trump replied, “I don’t think they’re talking about impeachment, we have the greatest economy we’ve ever had, our country is in incredible shape, they and others created a fraud on our country with this ridiculous witch hunt.”
Trump defended the Mueller report as successfully exonerating him and his campaign.
“The Mueller report was great. It could not have been better. It said ‘no obstruction, no collusion,’” he said. “It could not have been better.”
As the president stepped into the Senate Republican lunch, he was met with applause from fellow Republicans.

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