

Saturday, March 23, 2019

The truth is now out about those FISA warrants

House ranking member of the Intelligence Committee Devin Nunes has an observation, out on Twitter:
The dogged, determined Republican, who did more than anyone to expose the fraudulence of the Democrats' campaign to derail the election of President Trump, thinks this infighting between the Justice Department and the FBI, over the bureau's FISA warrants, is important.  Here is Greg Re's and Catherine Herridge's Fox News report:
Just nine days before the FBI applied for a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant to surveil a top Trump campaign aide, bureau officials were battling with a senior Justice Department official who had "continued concerns" about the "possible bias" of a source pivotal to the application, according to internal text messages obtained by Fox News.
The 2016 messages, sent between former FBI lawyer Lisa Page and then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, also reveal that bureau brass circulated at least two anti-Trump blog articles, including a Lawfare blog post sent shortly after Election Day that called Trump possibly "among the major threats to the security of the country."

It probably is.  What it shows is that the FBI case against Trump wasn't as airtight as they said it was.  Apparently, there were players at the DoJ who had a problem with the FBI using a partisan-created "pee dossier" — and a lot of ravings from some blog called "Lawfare," written by one of then–FBI director James Comey's buddies — as the basis for a court order to permit spying on the Trump campaign.  We know that those people were leftists, #NeverTrumps, Democrats, so the questionableness of the endeavor really had to stand out to them if there were people at Justice raising questions.  And yet, and yet, as the memo shows, the FBI was still determined to move forward, hell or high water.
Next time one of them makes the claim to the FBI being just looking for the facts, making absurd claims about its biases affecting its investigations, jes' the facts, ma'am, these emails show something different.  The amazing thing about it all is how flimsy the pretext for the spying on Trump — and innocent bit players such as Carter Page — was.  And how embarrassing it was that the FBI actually looks more and more likely to have been caught in a Russian intelligence trap itself, given that Russians themselves wrote up the phony dossier, forked it over to British ex-intelligence chief Chris Steele, who then handed it over to slime merchants calling themselves opposition researchers (Fusion GPS), who then spread it to the press and back to the FBI.
Nice setup they had going on.  And it was the Russkies who were behind it, utilizing the Trump-rage they knew infested the FBI against it.  The DoJ tried to stop them — and they couldn't stop themselves, pushing forward.  Back in Dzerzhinsky Square, the Russians snickered, probably quite proud of themselves for derailing the FBI's mission of finding the truth.
Always the clever bastards, aren't they?
At least we have Nunes to sort it all out and demonstrate for us which side went off the rails.



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