

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Beto O’Rourke: Trump Trade War Is ‘Hurtling the World’ into Recession (DipShit Alert)

Hey DipShit. Trump is the only one to take this Trade imbalance on with other Countries. If the other Country is hurting maybe they will talk on fair trade?    PUSSY!

On tariffs, @BetoORourke says he'd only use tariffs “as a last resort.” He says, “These tariffs are punishing farmers across this country... We see a tax on the American consumer that averages about $900 a household. And we’re hurtling the world and this economy into recession.”

Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful former Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-TX) argued President Donald Trump’s tariffs were punishing farmers across this country.
He said the trade policy was also “hurtling the world and this economy into recession.”
O’Rourke said, “These tariffs are punishing farmers across this country, destroying markets they’ve worked their entire lives, maybe their parents lives as well to open up now lost to them and to their children. We see a tax on the American consumer that averages about nine hundred dollars a household. And we are hurtling the world and this economy into recession. So end these trade wars. No more tariffs. And then work in concert with our allies and our friends: Canada, Mexico, the European Union. A united front against China and any of their trade practices that are manipulative or damaging to the United States.”







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