

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Joe Biden the liar. He lies as much as Hillary does.

Ukrainian Government denies President Trump or Giuliani said or did anything to influence them in connection to investigating Joe Biden or Hunter Biden.
Confirms they called the State Department about info they'd found and asked for a meeting. State Department facilitated Giulianii going over to secure the files. They are now in the hands of State, the Intel Community and the Justice Department.
Senile, Lying, Corrupt Joe Biden retorts he's going to beat Trump like "a Drum" for "intimidating" ukrainian President, the very crime Joe Biden himself has been accused of and which evidence points to, not even counting Biden's drunken bragging in 2018 that he successfully Strong armed and intimidated the Ukrainian President into firing prosecutor who was investigating Joe and Hunter Biden (and Soros and Obama) for corruption at a Democrat Enclave.
It appears Joe Biden has gone off the drunken lunatic deep end.
Here's a photo of Obama, Biden and Son at a game shortly after Hunter received a Billion Dollar "Commission" for Joe, Barry, Soros and Hunter from Ukrainian businesses remitted (as a pay to play payoff) to convince VP Joe Biden to release 5$ Billion to the Ukraine NatGas venture in subsidies. This graft money presumably was split four ways.
The joy on their faces appears to be their new found wealth, having succeeded at robbing the US Treasury of a Billion Dollars. This was back in 2015.Trump wasn't even more than a footnote back then.
And you wonder where Obama got all that money for new homes?
AND THOSE SMILES:They all woke up $300 million richer one day and Soros got his $100 million as their advisor. Or it was split some other ways. They look like the guys who robbed the Casino successfully at the end of "Ocean's 11" ... Only it was the US Treasury they robbed. I only wish that the Justice Department might listen to us once in a while in the Intelligence Community.
This stuff is not so hard to figure out, FBI!
And to think I directed intelligence ops for 34 years and have difficulty making ends meet...
In Obama's and Biden's case, it's good to be the queen and his knave..
Those corrupt scumbags!
That's Horse Manure coming out of your mouth Joe Biden, Horse Manure!
And as in the immortal words of Biff in the Spielberg epic, Back to the Future: "Manure!!??? I HATE Manure!!"
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