

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Mad Maxine Waters Tells MSNBC, “Terrible Trump was One of Epstein’s Best Friends”

Read her words. This Sleazy Filthy Stinking B^tch is flat out LYING with nothing to back up her words. The DipShit is also on Msnbc and no pushback from the Clown there

Maxine Waters, the intelligent Democrat, crawled out of a hole today to appear with conspiracy theorist Chris Hayes on MSNBC.
Mad Maxine told Chris Hayes that “Terrible Trump” was Jeffrey Epstein’s best friend.
Via Pam Key at Breitbart:
Waters said, “The fact of the matter is he has disrespected all of us. He has used this president for his own advantages and his family’s advantages. And he should have been impeached. That’s what should have happened. The American people are sick and tired of this president who has a reputation not only for being a con artist but who has disrespected women. Talked about grabbing women by their private parts. One of his best friends who supposedly committed suicide in prison was a pedophile, and he knew it because he even said he knew that he liked young girls. Who is this awful, terrible man? It’s the president of the United States.”
Chris Hayes said, “I don’t know if it’s been established that he was a best friend with Mr. Epstein, just to be clear.”
Waters said, “Oh, but he was, he was. He was one of his friends. And we’ve let him off the hook on that. We’re talking about Clinton and Prince Edward and everybody else. All of them need to be called to respond to this, including the president of the United States. Yes, that was his friend. Let him deny it.”


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