

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

New Documents Reveal Last Minute Efforts by Hillary Clinton Donors in Obama State Department to Undermine Trump

Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch released new documents showing that Hillary Clinton supporters/donors in Obama’s State Department were fiercely working to improperly disseminate classified information to multiple Senators shortly before Trump’s inauguration.
The classified information contained raw intelligence supposedly showing Russian interference in the 2016 election
Among a few of the Senators who received the classified documents prior to Trump’s inauguration were Mark Warner (D-VA), Ben Cardin (D-MD), and Robert Corker (R-TN).
A January 13, 2017, email from Hera Abbasi, a former congressional advisor in the State Department’s Bureau of Legislative Affairs, suggests that the intelligence community was providing “raw intel” to Sen. Warner. Such an exchange almost certainly would have been coordinated by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI): “Yes, that is correct. Warner/raw intel stuff is going thru IC channels.” (Abbasi previously worked in Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office and was a 2017 Next Generation National Security Fellow at the liberal Center for a New American Security. Abbasi donated $725 to the Clinton campaign and Act Blue during the 2016 election cycle.)
The documents uncovered by Judicial Watch show early in the process of gathering and clearing classified information – beginning a day after Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) formally asked Secretary of State (corrected) John Kerry for “intelligence products” and “raw intelligence” on Russian involvement in the 2016 election – Assistant Secretary of State Julia Frifield brings Senior Advisor and Investigations Counsel Zachary Schram into the loop in a January 5, 2017, email chain, in which she says Schram would help “figure out the best way to get these to the Hill.” Frifield was an Obama appointee who previously served as Maryland Democratic Senator Barbara Mikulski’s Chief of Staff. (Frifield contributed $2,700 to the 2016 Clinton campaign.)
On January 11, 2017, former State Department Senior Congressional Advisor Katherine Harris sends an email to Abbasi; Naz Durakoglu, who was a senior advisor to the Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs; Kathleen Kavalec, and others: “If we are not going through our standard CDP [Collection Due Process] process, others in H need to weigh in on how to move these to the Hill.”
“These documents show how the Obama State Department, staffed by Clinton donors, improperly, and perhaps illegally, rushed classified information to their anti-Trump allies in the U.S. Senate,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “The Obama State Department was central to the conspiracy to smear President Trump with Russiagate lies and innuendo. The Justice Department must expand any Spygate criminal investigation to include this agency.”
Read the full report by Judicial Watch here.


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