

Monday, October 16, 2023

Moderate Republican journalists ‘stunned’ that Democrats shamelessly lied for their anti-Trump agenda

 Tim Graham for NewsBusters reported that Bret Baier was “stunned” to learn that Leon Panetta has “zero regrets” about exploiting his role as a “civil servant” and discrediting the Hunter Biden laptop story — but how is that possible?

Why would the 51 former intelligence officials who signed the fictitious document saying the Hunter laptop looked like Russian disinformation have regret?  Their obvious goal was to destroy President Trump and install Joe Biden, and intentionally hide the truth from the public to accomplish the goal.  How could those charged with the task of investigative reporting miss this obnoxiously obvious agenda?

The media and tech companies had the same goal, so they used the fictitious document to justify hiding the truth from the public before the election.  The media treat these known liars as reliable resources for “news” stories.  So who is holding these falsifiers accountable?

I would challenge anyone in the media to come up with examples of Democrats showing remorse for their continuous lies or their disastrous policies.

I see no examples of Obama or anyone else showing regret for all their lies on Obamacare.  In fact, as people lost their doctors and their plans, and prices skyrocketed, the media and other Democrats bragged about how great the law is.

An architect of Obamacare justified the lies to “the stupidity of the American voter” as necessary to get Obamacare passed. 

Obama has no regrets that his politicized IRS was used to constitutionally violate inalienable rights protected by the Constitution of his political opponents.  He said there wasn’t “even a smidgen of corruption” in the agency under his command, despite the targeting of Tea Party groups and Dinesh D’Souza.

Obama and Hillary have no remorse for leaving Americans to die in Benghazi while concocting a lie about a video and dispatching Susan Rice to disseminate the lies via a complicit media.  After all, they won the election. 

Hillary and the DNC have no remorse for committing massive fraud against the American people with the Russian dossier — but the career criminal thinks it’s Republicans who need to be deprogrammed.

Where is the regret from Comey, McCabe, and others for lying to the FISA court to illegally spy on Trump and his associates?

I haven’t seen any regret from the media, Schiff, and anyone else who spread the Russian collusion lie, and used it as a basis to justify endless investigations to try and destroy Trump.

No matter how much the Biden administration repeats the lie that the borders are closed, there are no repercussions and therefore no regrets.

Has anyone paid for lying and spreading a “hands up, don’t shoot” narrative to destroy a white cop, as well as gin up racial hate against white cops?

I haven’t seen Fauci or others show regrets about letting China off the hook with their lies that the Wuhan lab as the source of COVID-19 was a disproven conspiracy.

Where is Garland’s regret for targeting parents and Catholics and refusing to prosecute attacks against crisis pregnancy centers?  Garland’s pathetic excuse for not arresting these radical leftists was because those attacks occur at night.

Has Pelosi shown any regret for failing to do her job and securing the Capitol on January 6?  It appears no one cares because the target is Trump.

I haven’t seen anyone in the Obama or Biden administration show regret for giving Iran access to hundreds of billions of dollars, which they use to finance terrorism — exactly the kind we just saw in Israel.

Obama even dictatorially ordered the “independent” Justice Department to let drug-running terrorists off the hook to appease Iran.

How many people throughout the world, including Americans, have died from terrorism or drugs because Democrats catered to foreign tyrants?

Where were the whistleblowers and journalists calling out Obama for his interference at the Justice Department?  It appears no one cared.

Where is the regret from the Biden administration for their energy policies that destroy the poor and middle classes with high inflation, and which allow Russia and Iran to finance war and terrorism?  How many people have died because Biden is so willing to destroy American energy companies?

Does anyone truly believe that people who are willing to lie so much about Obamacare, the border, COVID, and Russian collusion wouldn’t be willing to lie about humans and our use of natural resources destroying the planet? 

Harry Reid summarizes Democrats’ reasons for lying in the following statement, asserting his “no regrets” smear campaign.  From Time magazine:

‘Well, they can call it whatever they want,’ Reid said. ‘Romney didn’t win, did he?’

The examples are endless as to whom Democrats are willing to destroy with lies.  He could be a black Supreme Court justice nominee, a white Supreme Court justice nominee, parents, pro-life people, Trump-supporters, or Catholics.

Summary: Everyone should realize that the truth means nothing to most of the media and other Democrats.  They are willing to lie to destroy anyone who gets in their way of remaking America from a government for the people to a government for powerful leftists.


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