

Friday, October 27, 2023

Tucker Carlson Drops Episode 34: Of All of Biden’s Crimes, Backing the Ukrainian Government as it Throws Priests in Jail May be the Most Revealing (VIDEO)



Tucker Carlson dropped episode 34 of his show on X on Thursday evening.

“Of all of Biden’s crimes, backing the Ukrainian government as it throws priests in jail may be the most revealing,” Tucker said.

The Zelensky Regime continued its war against the Orthodox Christian Church in Ukraine.

Earlier this year Zelensky cut off access to the sacred Kiev Caves Lavra National Reserve, additional caves, and three other Orthodox churches.

This is your tax dollars at work.

In March, a Christian man lost his fingertip when raiders tore open the doors of his Orthodox Church with a crowbar.

“If you take three steps back, a lot of what’s happening around the world seems like an attack on Christianity. Thanks to the neocon project, virtually the entire ancient Christian population from Iraq was eliminated,” Tucker said.

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“In Ukraine, the most obvious example. The Ukrainian government has now banned an entire Christian denomination (Christian Orthodox Church) and virtually no one in the United States has said anything about it,” Tucker said.

Tucker interviewed an attorney representing the banned Christian denomination.







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