

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

VIDEO: Radical Ted Cruz Senate Challenger Colin Allred Angrily Threatens to Have Journalist Arrested for Asking Tough Questions About His Record Including on Hamas and for Lawfully Filming Him

 Sounds like Colin is a chickenshit Coward to answer the tough questions we want to know?

Credit: @BennyJohnson and the Daily Caller

Radical Texas Democratic Congressman Rep. Colin Allred, who Democrats are counting on to defeat Ted Cruz, threatened a brave citizen arrested for daring to question his record and lawfully recording him.

The Daily Caller was the first outlet to report on this story.

The journalist asked the Allred several tough questions including his support for open borders, funding drag shows for children, and his support for releasing millions of dollars in aid to the West Bank.

As the Daily Caller notes, The West Bank is controlled by Hamas so one could say Allred was indirectly supporting the funding of the Islamist terrorist organization.

In the video below, you can see Allred’s anger building up as he threatens twice to sic the Capitol Police on the journalist for filming him and asking tough questions.



Journalist: Congressman Allred…

Allred: You’re on federal property, you can’t do that (film me) here.

Journalist: Congressman Allred, do you regret calling for the reals of millions of dollars to Hamas.

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Allred aide: You can’t film here.

Allred: I’ll get the Capitol police here (to have you arrested).

Journalist: Do you regret voting against Iron Dome funding as Hamas attacked Israel with rockets?

Allred (angry): You’re on federal property, you can’t do this.

Journalist: Why are you supporting Biden’s open border policies?

Allred: Get the Capitol Police here.

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Journalist: Why did you fund taxpayer dollars to a group that uses taxpayer dollars to fund drag shows for children?

Beyond his nasty threats to the journalist, Allred got the law wrong. Federal property is public property, thus the journalist has every right to film him.

Here is what the House states on filming inside the Capitol: “videotaping and audio recording are permitted in the public areas of the House and Senate office buildings.” The Daily caller confirmed the video by this journalist was taken inside of the public area of the Cannon House Building.

Colin Allred is long on anger and short on facts. In other words, he is a typical leftist Democrat.


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