

Monday, June 24, 2024

And they mean it!!! Muslims threaten to burn down France if right wing parties win

 Kinda reminds you of the Marxist Left if they don't get their baby way and the media  "oh its peaceful protest".  What a bunch of disgusting Liars and Dirtbags

Muslims have been burning hundreds/thousands of cars in the streets every News Year’s Eve for many years now. They also like to set fires on other holidays and whenever they are pissed off about something. See links below.


Paris is burning. AGAIN!

FRANCE BURNS…while the far-left multiculturalists and globalists yawn

FRANCE: Muslim rioters smash flaming car into mayor’s home in assassination attempt that left his wife and one child injured

Oh, GOODIE! Muslims in France don’t have to wait until Bastille Day (July 14th) to start their annual car-torching jihad

HISTORIC! “Serene New Year’s Eve” in France…where this year, ONLY 690 cars were torched by young Muslim migrant ‘hooligans’

NEW YEAR’S EVE 2021: Looks like COVID-19 had a silver lining for France this year

GOOD RIDDANCE TO 2020 and Muslim car torchings

FRANCE LIED! There were NOT just few dozen car torchings by Muslim thugs on New Year’s Eve as French officials and media boasted

So…how many cars will Muslims in France torch THIS year on New Year’s Eve?

FRANCE: Car Burning Jihad and riots in Nantes by Muslims angry over police shooting of a Muslim thug

FRANCE: Riots erupt, police attacked, cars are torched in Toulouse after Muslim woman forced by police to remove her full face Islamic headbag

Shhhh…don’t tell anyone but more cars were torched by Muslim migrant youths around France on New Year’s Eve this year than last year

VIRTUAL MEDIA BLACKOUT: Bastille Day car burnings by Muslim youths in Paris

In Paris, nothing says ‘Happy New Year’ like the annual Muslim tradition of torching cars in the streets

PARIS: Muslims celebrate Bastille Day by torching more than 130 cars in one night

FRANCE: Only…yes, ONLY 1,067 cars were torched by Muslim thugs on New Year’s Eve this time

FRANCE: Nothing says ‘Happy New Year’ like the Muslim tradition of car torchings

And you thought car torchings in Paris suburbs were only a Muslim ‘New Years’ tradition

FRANCE: If it’s New Year’s Eve, Muslims are busy torching hundreds of cars in Paris

And this is just a partial list


Deport this Garbage out of the Country.  Air drop them in Gazza



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