

Saturday, June 22, 2024

PRO-HAMAS Biden Regime renegs on $18 billion sale of F-15 Fighter Jets to Israel

 Biden (Obama) are garbage when it comes to foreign policy.  By design?

Joe Biden and his cronies were enraged after Netanyahu released a video calling out Biden for withholding weapons and ammunition from Israel. As a result, they canceled a meeting with Israel to discuss Iran, which was scheduled for Thursday, as some of the Israelis were already en route to the US for the meeting.

MSN In yet another vindictive move, he canceled F-15s to Israel. The Wall Street Journalrevealed that Biden is now delaying the sale of F-15 fighter jets to Israel. This came after two Democrats in Congress, Gregory Meeks and Ben Cardin, released a hold they had placed on the deal over concerns over civilian deaths in Gaza. But the Biden regime will not allow the State Department of formally notify lawmakers of the sake, a requirement for a major weapons deal to proceed.
The $18 billion sale of 50 warplanes is one of the largest arms deals with Israel in recent years, and comes as President Biden is facing calls from leaders in his own party to withhold American weapons to pressure Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to accept an end to the Gaza war. The administration also is urging Israel to de-escalate tensions with Hezbollah along its northern border with Lebanon.

The White House declined to comment.
This is as the White House is sending “squadrons of F-16s” to Ukraine. To be honest, the Democrats are abandoning the Jews to curry favor from radical Islamists because they will soon have more voters. They are pouring into the country, and they have a dozen children apiece.
Republicans need to stop referring to the problem being Joe Biden. He’s only a figurehead. These are Democrat policies and all the Democrats are behind them. Republicans need to start saying that because they’re probably going to replace Joe Biden. If he does a bad job at the very early debate, they will definitely replace him.

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