

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Prosecuting President Trump from the Hague

 The way Covid was mentioned in this it makes you wonder how it was released?  No accident??

In November 2018, at the time of his appointment as Special Counsel to prosecute President Trump, Jack Smith was the Special Prosecutor of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers.

This Chambers describes itself  as:

...a criminal court with a mandate to try certain crimes allegedly committed during and after the conflict in Kosovo, including war crimes and crimes against humanity. The court was established under Kosovo law but it is located in the Netherlands, in The Hague, and staffed by nationals of the European Union and five other contributing states.

Thus, the Chambers is a Kosovo government agency, but it is in the Hague and staffed by foreigners. It also has primacy over all Kosovo courts and other government institutions, supposedly only “within its jurisdiction” (the boundaries of which it determines itself, I guess).

Among others, Jack Smith was prosecuting Kosovo President Hashim Thaçi.

Kosovo is a tiny country situated between Serbia and Albania, which obtained some autonomy following the Yugoslav Wars and declared its independence in 2008. This highly unusual arrangement was forced on Kosovo in 2013 in exchange for its recognition by the West.

It seems that by appointing Jack Smith as a Special Counsel, with an unrestricted budget and overwhelming support from the Democrat government machine and its media, Merrick Garland attempted to replicate the Kosovo Specialist Chambers.

Jack Smith even started investigating President Trump from the Hague. Yes, the Biden administration allowed an investigation of a U.S. president (or former president) from the Hague, the seat of the so-called International Criminal Court, and a center of U.N. agencies aspiring to be the global government. Only after seven weeks of investigation did news break that Jack Smith had arrived in the U.S.

At the time of the appointment, the media reported that Jack Smith had a broken leg as an excuse for running the investigation from the Hague. An example from the New York Times:

Mr. Smith recently fractured his leg after a scooter ran into him while he was cycling. Until he recovers, he will run the Trump investigations from the Netherlands, according to the Justice Department.

But a broken leg is not an obstacle to flying from the Hague to the U.S., especially for such a high-level government job. There were also hundreds of Democrat prosecutors just as dirty and partisan as Jack Smith and perfectly suited for that job, who did not reside abroad and had unbroken legs. The only explanation is that the Biden administration wanted to make a point that a POTUS can be investigated by a prosecutor residing in the Hague. This adds to a long list of the Biden administration’s actions and failures that are ceding U.S. sovereignty to the aspiring global government.

The Democrats would not have come to power in 2020 if not for the interference of aspiring global government institutions, especially the World Health Organization. In early 2020, WHO used the novel coronavirus epidemic to declare an “infodemic” and leveraged its political weight  to suppress hydroxychloroquineivermectin, and other effective anti-coronavirus treatments. It also promoted lockdowns.

WHO was aided by Big Tech which are also global companies. That allowed Democrats to pass mail voting laws allowing easy fraud, hide Biden’s mental decline, and blame President Trump for the pandemic.

In view of these facts, the Biden administration’s decision to appoint Jack Smith to prosecute President Trump from the Hague seems logical, although this is a logic of treason. Illegally bringing people from all the world and attempting to bind the U.S. by the Pandemic Accord perfectly fit this logic.

Democrats came to power by denying the people access to life-saving medications during the COVID-19 pandemic, directly causing more than a million deaths. They did this in collusion with aspiring global government entities. This explains the actions of the Biden administration. It's crucial to inform the public, as most are unaware of these facts.


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