

Friday, June 28, 2024

Mindless Joe getting a Attaboy and some stars for participating

 My dad had dementia. In the first video look at his face as she talks to him like a third grader or someone who has dementia. The Marxist Left and the LIARS in the Democrat media enabled this all to happen because he is not running the show period.  He is being used as a puppet. They replace this Clown  they want someone that will also be a puppet; big Mike?  Another Obama term? Newsome?  He is such an Ass kisser in saying Biden did great and no need to replace him now.  Newsome knows who is pulling the strings in order to say something this stupid.  Obama with his band of IDIOTS?

Jill is one  sick b^tch for leaving Joe out there so she can live in the White House with all the perks


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