

Friday, June 28, 2024

Joe Biden’s biggest lies from last night

Cnn wont call Mindless Joe's "Lies" hen he tells them every day.  The democrat controlled media keep saying Trump lies but won't say what the lie is when asked?

Since the media won’t do a fact check on Joe Biden, I will do it for them. Here is a small sample…

The border patrol endorsed him—in fact, the exact opposite was true, with the Border Patrol Union fact-checking him in the moment, making sure that lie was killed, and quickly:


Border crossings now are lower than under Trump. Terrorists aren’t coming in—except the terrorists who were caught plotting an ISIS-style attack earlier this month, the terrorists doing a dry-run at the U.S. Marine base, and all the other instances that are too numerous to list.

He beat Medicare—huh? Like Trump said, Biden “beat it to death.”

No military members have died under his watch. Does Afghanistan ring a bell? The Tower 22 drone attack? Navy SEALs going after emboldened and financed Houthis?

Billionaires pay an 8% tax rate; that is purely a made up number based on unrealized gains.

Trump’s tax cuts cost trillions—data revenue from the federal government itself shows that is a lie.

Trump handed off a disastrous economy—it was roaring by the time Biden took office, and again, the numbers reflect this.

Trump caused the inflation. Check the data, or ask any average household when life was more affordable.

Biden held Iran to account.

On abortion, Biden said Democrats don’t support late-term. That is a blatant lie, as they continually pass legislation for abortions at any stage in the states they control.

I had no idea that “sisters” were capable of raping and impregnating other women in their family:

And he continued to repeat the lie about what Trump said in Charlottesville—the mainstream left media finally admitted it was a hoax just a week or so ago, so what’s Biden’s excuse?

Question: Exactly how has the Paris Climate Accord changed the climate?

Somehow Yahoo didn’t catch any false claims from Biden, but here are the ones they described from Trump, so numerous that it was Biden who couldn’t “keep up” with his opponent’s lies:

The new format made it hard to keep up with Trump’s false claims

Biden tried to fact-check his opponent in real time. ‘I’ve never heard so much malarkey in my life,’ Biden said after Trump accused him of enabling Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. ‘Every single thing he said is a lie,’ Biden said after Trump attacked his position on veterans’ benefits. ‘It isn’t debunked,’ Biden said when Trump tried to deny that Biden’s 2020 run was inspired by the deadly white supremacist riots in Charlottesville, Va. three years earlier. ‘I ran because I was worried a guy like this could be president.’

The media knows this is a lie, yet accused Trump of lying instead of Biden. Here’s more:

Overall, Trump’s strategy was simply to spew more shallow superlatives than anyone could keep up with. His economy was ‘the greatest economy in the history of our country.’ His environmental numbers were ‘the best environmental numbers ever.’ His tax cut was ‘the largest tax cut in history.’ Overturning Roe v. Wade was ‘something that everybody wanted.’ And so on.

The problem is that much of what Trump said was untrue.

Of course the article doesn’t give specifics, or provide evidence to the contrary. I would agree that Trump exaggerates, but Biden lied throughout the entire debate, and most of the media was silent.

The media has covered up for Biden’s corruption, incompetence, and lies for years, and they still do. They have also continuously lied to destroy Trump, since he rode down that escalator in 2015, and they will continue to because all they care about is power for Democrats, and infecting and destroying the U.S. with their radical leftist agenda.

If Democrats somehow get rid of Biden and replace him, which seems to be the goal, any replacement will still bring destructive policies.

YouTube video screen grab



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