

Saturday, February 25, 2012

High Gas Prices Might Save Your Life!

The fact Obama has been getting a free pass on high gas prices throughout his presidency has been getting on my nerves over the past few weeks as the prices have skyrocketed. Of course I am upset over the prices in general, but my main issue is how the media threw G.W. Bush under the bus as the sole reason for the rising prices during his presidency. We got to hear about how Bush owned oil companies, fought wars for oil, failed to implement an energy plan and purposely forced prices to go up to please his evil, capitalist friends. Well, I haven't seen Obama do anything to stop the wars, and you could argue he has actually increased the tension in the Middle East. I would also say, while Bush failed to implement an energy plan, Obama has failed to HAVE an energy plan. He can definitely tell us what not to do, but he can't seem to put together anything reminiscent of a plan to bring us closer to energy independence. As far as Bush's oil ties go, I simply don't buy that argument, but Obama's ties to people with extreme political agendas for green energy and basic political power definitely seem to play a role in his energy decisions.

My plan was to write something showing how the media had blamed Bush for every cent gas prices raised, while giving Obama a free pass, but as I began to research the topic, I came across this video that already does the job while taking it one step further. Not only do they show how none of the blame is being placed on Obama, they also show how some members of the media are now claiming higher gas prices can benefit our country.

I don't think there is much left to say on that issue, as the video does an excellent job tackling the topic, but there are a few other things I want to address from the video.

1) The speech at the 1:54 mark...I have seen this before and I believe at one point I actually posted the video to the blog. If this was the only footage I had ever seen of Barack Obama, I would have no different feelings about him than I do today, knowing all I know about him. In this 60 second segment, Barack clearly displays his arrogance and elitism. He does not care about the American people and believes he knows what is better for individual families than the families themselves. He believes in a government that can not only control what car you drive, but how many children you have. The look on his face alone tells you how awful he thinks it is that a family would dare to have ten children. Obama is out of touch with the average American. He has no idea what it means to work for a living. He most likely never saw rural (the majority) America until he campaigned. He doesn't understand what it takes to own your own business, be a farmer, construction worker, landscaper, mechanic, or to do any of the tasks that make his life so simple. A Toyota Prius doesn't work for everyone, and if it did, perhaps his motorcade wouldn't be a line of Suburbans getting 8mpg.

2) 2:40 into the video...I want further explanation on how high gas prices are creating jobs. Living in Michigan, I got to see 8 years of Jennifer Granholm using similar math. She would fly to China, convince a company to bring 50 jobs to Michigan, and claim she ADDED 50 jobs. That may be true, but the state also lost thousands of jobs while her small business tax and other policies were killing American owned businesses. I'm sure high gas prices ADD jobs in the green energy sector, but is this reporter considering how many people are being laid off by companies that can no longer afford to operate with the high gas prices? Jobs are always being ADDED, that is if you don't subtract the jobs being lost at the same time.

3) Reasons to be optimistic? 3:05 in...2,220 people in the past year and 1,000 a month as long as prices remain at $4.00 will have their lives saved by the reduced emissions. Let's set aside the fuzzy math, because I refuse to believe anyone, especially a Time Magazine reporter, can actually calculate something like that. Their calculation puts us somewhere around 110,200 people saved in a 10 year span (2,200 + 1,000 x 9 years). I'm sure they would also throw some figure out there on how much money the reduced health problems would save us, but let me give an alternative option. Abortion kills somewhere around 1,200,000 people per year. We would need to have gas remain at this high level for 100 years to have a result similar to outlawing abortion for 1 year. Add in the reduction in government spending from no longer funding abortion and the massive savings from no longer having millions of young adults in need of counseling due to their abortions (If I was a Dem, I would make up a big dollar amount just to make this look more important), and outlawing abortion will save significantly more lives and money that high gas prices without the negative affects on families.

4) 4:35..."I won't have to worry about putting gas in my car. I won't have to worry about paying my mortgage." Do we really want four more years of this mentality. It's time we start holding people responsible for their own actions. People like this woman are why I support anyone but Barack...including Mitt Romney. We need to start turning things around now. Don't sit around another four years because the perfect candidate hasn't come along. Step 1, get rid of Barack. Step 2, make sure our new President hears the concerns of real Conservatives and hold this President to a higher standard. Step 3, restore hope and faith in the Conservative party.


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