

Thursday, May 17, 2018

BREAKING: IG Horowitz Found “Reasonable Grounds” FBI Violated FEDERAL CRIMINAL LAW in Bureau’s Handling of Hillary Investigation


Inspector General Horowitz found “reasonable grounds” for believing there has been a violation of federal criminal law in the FBI’s handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation.
Horowitz has referred his findings of potential criminal misconduct to Huber for possible criminal prosecution, says investigative reporter, Paul Sperry.
Buckle up because IG Horowitz’s report is going to light DC up.

Investigative reporter, Paul Sperry dropped this gem Thursday afternoon:
Sperry tweeted: BREAKING: IG Horowitz has found “reasonable grounds” for believing there has been a violation of federal criminal law in the FBI/DOJ’s handling of the Clinton investigation/s and has referred his findings of potential criminal misconduct to Huber for possible criminal prosecution
Sperry also dropped this:
BREAKING: Comey/Yates targeted Gen. Flynn in C.I. investigation a yr BEFORE he communicated w Russian ambassador in Dec 2016 as a transition official–and the trigger was Flynn sitting at same table w Putin at Dec 2015 Moscow event, even tho Green Party’s Jill Stein also at table
AG Sessions revealed in March U.S. Attorney John Huber will be the ‘top federal prosecutor’ who will be investigating DOJ and FBI abuses.
Many Trump supporters are skeptical because U.S. Attorney John Huber was first appointed to his position by Barack Obama in 2015.
Inspector General Michael Horowitz informed lawmakers Wednesday on Capitol Hill his much-anticipated report on the FBI’s handling of Hillary Clinton’s email investigation has entered the final stages.
Sources are saying the report on the FBI’s 7th floor under Comey’s Directorship is absolutely damning and “worse than expected.”
Horowitz report isn’t finalized yet; lawyers for the various people in the report are currently reviewing the report and preparing rebuttals.
Story developing…

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