

Thursday, May 17, 2018

The Avenatti Files: Sleazy Porn Star Lawyer Under Investigation by California State Bar

Another Liberal Shitbag not paying taxes and the media  silent

Stormy Daniels’ sleazy lawyer, Michael Avenatti is under investigation by the California State Bar after a complaint was filed over alleged unpaid taxes.

Fox News reported:
The State Bar of California is investigating porn star Stormy Daniels’ lawyer Michael Avenatti, Fox News has confirmed, after a complaint was filed regarding allegedly unpaid taxes.
Fox News on Wednesday obtained an April 18-dated letter verifying the existence of the investigation—unrelated to his representation of Daniels.
“The complaint against attorney Michael J. Avenatti has been reviewed and forwarded to the Enforcement Unit for further investigation and prosecution, if warranted,” said the letter from the state bar, written by Supervising Attorney Anand Kumar and reviewed by Fox News.
The letter also provided the names of the investigators reviewing the complaint.
The complaint, first reported by The Seattle Times, said Avenatti and Global Baristas faced a lien for unpaid federal taxes worth roughly $5 million, claiming taxes were withheld from workers’ paychecks but not paid to the government. The complaint from Nold, as posted by The Seattle Times, called into question Avenatti’s “fitness to practice law.”
Nold, who filed the initial complaint, represents Bellevue Square, which has been in a landlord-tenant dispute with Tully’s Coffee. The Superior Court for the State of Washington found Nold to be in “contempt of court” following an “intentional disobedience of a court order.” Nold disclosed Avenatti’s deposition transcript to The Seattle Times, according to a court filing obtained by Fox News.
As previously reported, Stormy Daniels creepy lawyer Michael Avenatti reportedly paid no taxes for years in a row in spite of making over $30 million in income. This was uncovered by a former employee who brought a case against him for defrauding the employee.
Legal expert and attorney Robert Barnes tweeted this on Sunday: “In December 2014, Avenatti decided to quit paying most taxes. He failed to even file his law firm’s income tax returns for 2014, 2015, and 2016, though a lawyer’s detailed filings in his bankruptcy court report his firm made over $30M in income in that time. IRS records confirm.”
Just like Robert Barnes said, not everybody owes $5 million in taxes:
Michael Avenatti also reported an $8 million windfall in February after he picked up Stormy Daniels as a client.
So who is funding this hired gun?
Avenatti is also leaking Michael Cohen’s illegally obtained bank records to the public.
Media was set ablaze Wednesday after a dirty cop stepped forward and admitted to leaking Cohen’s bank records.

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