

Sunday, May 26, 2024

A terrorist dry run


Among the realities of military life on Continental United States (CONUS) military installations is the disarmament of military members. The only service members allowed to carry arms are those whose Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) requires it. For the most part, that means only military police officers can carry arms, and even those troops are restricted as to time and place. They pick up their arms and ammunition just before going on duty, and return them to the armory immediately after going off duty.

It's one of the ironies of military life that those trusted with military grade weapons to protect American liberty are not allowed to carry the common handguns civilians take for granted. They are, on our military installations, less safe than civilians shopping at WalMart. Military dependents are likewise prohibited from carrying arms on base and are equally vulnerable.

Graphic: Ellsworth AFB Gate. Wikimedia Commons.org. Public Domain.

Attacks on military installations such as the Ft. Hood attack on November 5, 2009  where a Muslim Army psychiatrist—there’s irony—killed 13, and the Washington Navy Yard attack of Sept. 16, 2013, where 12 were killed and more were injured have drawn attention to the vulnerability of our service members. We’re currently seeing multiple attempts every week.  

During Donald Trump’s presidency there was some talk of significantly expanding the numbers of armed service members, but little or nothing came of it. Even then, the Obama fundamental transformation of our military from war fighters to social justice warriors had done enormous damage, and the possibility of protecting our service members under the Biden Administration is nonexistent.

Security at US installations, many of which are huge, is lacking. Ft. Bragg is 254.6 square miles. Ft. Campbell is 164 square miles and Ft. Hood is 335 square miles. Most of our installations are protected primarily by chain link fencing, with several entry points manned by troops armed primarily with handguns. With few exceptions, the troops manning such entry points are the lowest ranking, least experienced military police officers. Few installations have rapid response forces equipped with heavier armament and armored vehicles.

Considering even our feckless FBI Director has been repeatedly warning of an unprecedented danger of terrorist attacks, this state of affairs is unconscionable. The government is not, however, mentioning that heightened threat of attacks is due to our wide-open borders.

On May 3, 2024, a hard to ignore attempt to breach the Quantico Marine Corps Base reminded us yet again of the danger. “Hard to ignore” for rational people, but the Administration is doing its best to ignore it, and is withholding information.


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Two Jordanians who may have been doing a “dry run for Al Qaeda or ISIS” have been arrested after allegedly trying to scam and then ram their way onto a US marine base in Virginia with a truck.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) confirmed to The Post two Jordanian nationals are now in custody after being stopped at the front gate of Quantico Marine Corps Base, 35 miles southwest of Washington DC.

“On May 3, 2024, Marine Corps Base Quantico’s Criminal Investigations Division arrested two Jordanian noncitizens for trespassing,” ICE Washington spokesperson James Covington said.

Apparently the two potential terrorists drove a “box truck” to the front gate and told sentries they were subcontracting with Amazon and needed to make a delivery. The two ignored directions and tried to drive onto the base but were stopped by an “area denial” system, which is likely a retractable vehicle barrier. Quantico Marine brass didn’t widely notify even their own command for several weeks.  

This is all we know about the two:

Fox News reports that one of the men had crossed the border illegally, yet was allowed to stay. 

The other reportedly overstayed his visa.

It’s yet more proof of the national security dangers of President Biden’s wave-them-in border policies.

Indeed, sources told a local news outlet that one was on the terror watchlist.

Was this a dry run for a car bombing attack? Obviously it was an intelligence gathering mission, but to what end and for which terrorist group(s)? Thus far, all the Biden Terrorist Welcoming Administration has suggested is both will be deported.

Deported?! Two illegals, almost certainly Muslims from a nation not particularly fond of America, try to force their way onto a Marine base, and the government isn’t releasing any additional information and is sending them back to their handlers?

Despite increasing warnings about imminent terrorist attacks, the Biden Administration obviously doesn’t consider informing the public politically smart. Trying to preserve and protect Hamas doesn’t fit well with effectively dealing with terrorist dry runs on CONUS military installations.

Not only is Biden negotiating for terrorists, he’s making more than clear Muslim votes are far more important than the lives of our CONUS troops and dependents. What a surprise.


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