

Friday, May 17, 2024

For Biden’s re-election, WHO’s on first

 The American people with active educated  brain cells will not put with WHO controlling us?

There is a World Health Organization meeting at the end of this month in Geneva.  As a result of that meeting, Joe Biden is expected to relinquish U.S. pandemic sovereignty to the WHO and its director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, through executive order, thereby bypassing the two-thirds vote in the Senate needed for treaties.  Yes, the same WHO that covered for China and was about as competent in handling COVID-19 as Anthony Fauci gets to be in charge of the same thing all over again, only on a larger scale and with greater enforcement powers.

Much has been written about how such an agreement could result in forced lockdowns, WHO control of our medical system, health and vaccine passports, internet censorship of pandemic misinformation, mandatory U.S. funding of WHO pandemic initiatives abroad, and as yet undefined annual contributions.  All of this is frightening enough, and I don’t want to rehash everything that has been written, except to point out that even if the legality of this agreement is questionable, as always, it takes time to undo the damage.  The “been” link above quotes Gordon Chang as saying that even if Trump wins in November and cancels the WHO pandemic agreement as soon as inaugurated, it will take three years from then to get out of WHO treaties, whatever that means.

But even January 2025 may be too late.

This brings us to Joe Biden’s re-election campaign.  Let’s say that in return for Biden’s consent to the WHO agreement, at some time in the next several months the WHO announces there is a new pandemic — more deadly than COVID-19 — and to avoid it killing us all, we must immediately lock down indefinitely, on a scale even more drastic than the last time, and the U.S. government, with plausible deniability, announces we must follow the WHO protocol.  The only way we will be able to vote in November is through mail-in ballots or internet voting implemented under emergency conditions.  Surprise, surprise: Biden wins again.

Why assume the worst with the WHO arrangement?  Tell me I’m a paranoid conspiracy theorist, but after everything we’ve witnessed the left doing with regard to elections — election shenanigans, using COVID policy for election gain, setting Trump up to be a Russian spy, the lawfare against him — it is apparent that losing in November just is not an option.  WHO’s on first.  If that doesn’t work, what’s on second?


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