

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Buttigieg fails to explain why government only has a handful of charging stations to show for $7.5 billion ‘investment’ and CBS journo can’t help but laugh in his face

 This Idiot will always be a Dumbass or an Idiot


In November of 2021, Joe Biden signed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, doling out $7.5 billion to ostensibly build a nationwide network of E.V. charging stations numbering half a million charging units by 2030; in March of this year, we learned that only seven stations had been built.

Of course, that could elicit a range of emotional responses; if you’re like me, it’s a mix of relief and rage. I for one certainly don’t want these stations saturating the landscape—they emit physiologically disruptive frequencies, but don’t worry, the E.V. cartel assures us that any and all radiation poisoning is below the “recommended standards” of safety—but seeing such a gross waste of my stolen money is an offense to how hard I work.

If you’re like CBS’s Margaret Brennan, you might break out in condescending laughter.

Pete Buttigieg recently appeared on-air with the Face the Nation moderator to explain why Biden’s government had almost nothing to show for the grand E.V. network plan and hefty taxpayer “investment” we made in 2021, three years ago, and when he failed to provide Brennan with an adequate and valid account—she laughed in his face. Here’s the exchange:

Here’s another way of looking at it: Joe Biden and his team of incompetents are .0014% of the way there. However, as Buttigieg said, this is basically a decade-long project, and the goal is 500,000 by 2030, which means the federal government still has 6 years left to get caught up on the other 99.9986% of the promised plan. At the current rate though, we’re looking at 21 charging stations in total by 2030, which will be .0042% of the total promised number, or a fraction of a percent of the way done.

We know government is disgustingly slow and inefficient at things that matter, but this takes the stereotype to a whole new level—at the current rate of 7 charging stations every three years, which works out to be 2.3 stations per year, it would take around 217,391 years to complete the project.

As Buttigieg says, the states are getting “formula dollars” to (ostensibly) break ground—but is this kind of like every other infrastructure project? I mean how many times have we paid for the same “roads” to be built? Money gets budgeted in, mishandled or misspent, someone gets a slap on the wrist, the people get screwed, and the same line item gets budgeted in again the next time around. Are we expected to believe they’ve earmarked this $7.5 billion and will hold onto it responsibly for the next 6 years? Because I don’t, which means each station has a price tag of a little over $1 billion.

Again, I’m not arguing that we execute the rest of the E.V. network plan, I’m simply pointing out what a scam this all is.

Beverly Hills MD

Funny enough though, the reason things are so slow for the Democrat E.V. network agenda is because… the Democrat big government agenda! Here’s this, from Joel Pollak at Breitbart:

Major reasons for the delay include local zoning restrictions and red tape, which the Biden administration has not done much to cut through — unlike President Donald Trump, who tended to eliminate it wherever possible for his administration’s projects.

Democrats getting strangled by their own regulations is peak irony—but to be honest, they’re probably into it.

Not only does the “green” in all these Green New Deal initiatives mean the green of money, but the green of the D.C. sewer too—what a legacy.



Then we have another Lying Jackass that thinks the American people are stupid?  There are many on the Left that absorb the garbage from their media


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