

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Huge pro-Trump crowd in the Bronx shows something profound happening in America

 AOC is an Idiot representing her district.  They must be proud

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez admitted the other day that the virtue of the so-called “hush money” trial is that it keeps Trump off the campaign trail. She slammed the fact that Trump would even contemplate making lemonade out of that lemon by campaigning in the Bronx—her turf. That was fear speaking, and AOC was right to be afraid. What’s happening now in the Bronx is monumental. A crowd that was estimated to be a few thousand is currently in the tens of thousands and still growing.

Yesterday, when Ocasio-Cortez learned that Trump would be coming to her home turf, she tried to insult him by gloating about the trial hampering his ability to campaign:

The fear behind those words has become a reality today. Not only has Trump come to the Bronx, but the residents of the Bronx are welcoming him with open arms. I can’t describe in words what these videos show. They’re all short but you must watch them to understand that something magical is going on:

Contrast this scene in the Bronx—which is like something out of an old Hollywood movie—with Biden’s recent appearance in New Hampshire:

Why is this happening? Why is the Bronx suddenly Trump territory? This woman articulates it well: The world was better under Trump, being both safer and more prosperous.

I had lunch today with the wonderful Duke Buckner (about whom I’ll write more in a few days because I think he truly can beat Jim Clyburn), and he said that, in Clyburn’s South Carolina Sixth District, people have had it with Bidenflation, and with the way the Biden administration takes money from Americans and pours it into illegal aliens. That’s what is moving traditional Democrat voters away from Biden.

We who are deeply involved with politics tend to view American politics through a very dark glass. We see the corruption in D.C., the non-stop lawfare against Donald Trump, the bizarre sexual indoctrination of our children in failing public schools, the open border, and the administration’s support for terrorist groups and nations, and we despair. We’re right to be unhappy, but we’re forgetting something important: The American people.

The media drumbeat notwithstanding, the ordinary people are beginning to see the same thing. They, too, resent seeing a presidential candidate undermined through tyrannical power plays, they oppose having their children exposed to the insanity of a bazillion imaginary “genders,” they are appalled that their children can define those genders but can’t read or do math, they are angered that we are experiencing a slow-mo invasion replete with freeloaders, criminals, and terrorists, they are horrified to see Bidenflation impoverish them, and they know that it’s morally wrong for America to support a terrorist group (Hamas) and a terrorist nation (Iran), both of which are dedicated to murdering Jews, women, gays, Christians, Hindus, and Americans.

The media can’t hide these things anymore or paint them in pretty colors. Increasing numbers of Americans see what’s happening, and they hate it. So, when Donald Trump is shackled in Manhattan, the ordinary, normal, and truly good Americans will come to the Bronx to cheer him on.

Something profound is happening here. This is bigger and deeper than Trump’s unexpected victory in 2016. The sleeping American giant may finally be waking up.

One of the most important things in politics is momentum. Once it builds, it’s very hard to stop. Biden is stagnant, while Trump is the most exciting game around. No matter what happens in that New York courtroom, Trump has the mojo. If he walks out a free man, he’s a winner. And (God forbid), if he walks out a convicted felon on a still unidentified, totally bogus charge, he’s also a winner because the American people have finally woken up.


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