

Thursday, May 30, 2024

BIDEN CAMPAIGN RELEASES DISGUSTING STATEMENT FULL OF LIES AND SMEARS: Calls Trump a “Dictator” and “Convicted Felon”- Then Asks for Donations

 He says that no one is above the law aka the Biden Crime family with proof of criminal activity , from the Marxist Corrupt two sets of laws, one for the and one for me MaggotShit Liars.   What a Joke he is from a  regime that is trying to tell us what to buy and eat

Joe Biden completely lost.

The Biden campaign released a statement labeling Donald Trump a “dictator” and lecturing that “no one is above the law.”

Joe Biden’s team also begged for donations.

Evil never sleeps.

Dana Perino read the remarks today.

Biden Campaign Communications Director released this disgusting statement following this shameless assault on the former President:


“Donald Trump has always mistakenly believed he would never face consequences for breaking the law for his own personal gain.”

“But today’s verdict does not change the fact that the American people face a simple reality “There is still only one way to keep Donald Trump out of the Oval Office: at the ballot box. “Convicted felon or not, Trump will be the Republican nominee for president,” Tyler continued.

“The threat Trump poses to our democracy has never been greater.


“He is running an increasingly unhinged campaign of revenge and retribution, pledging to be a dictator ‘on day one’ and calling for our constitution to be ‘terminated’ so he can regain and keep power.

“A second Trump term means chaos, ripping away Americans’ freedoms and fomenting political violence – and the American people will reject it this November.”

They always project their own actions.

Good Lord, save us from this wickedness!













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