

Thursday, May 23, 2024

MSBNC’s Ruhle says the poors need to quit cryin’ about the economy and focus on a new ‘American dream’

 This is why I stopped watching this Garbage during Obamacare and stopped watching CNN during Operation Desert Shield.  All Democrat propaganda Stinking Garbage.  Links below of more o the Idiots on the Left

Stephanie Ruhle, of MSNBC, is one of the dumbest out there.

Somehow, she thinks it is just normal politics when a president illegally spends hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars to buy votes. She has no problem when Joe Biden brags about defying the Supreme Court.

She somehow equates Biden’s dictatorial actions to Republicans supporting low tax laws, which heaven forbid, allows people and businesses to keep more of their money to spend, save, and invest as they please. From Breitbert:

NBC’s Ruhle: Biden Is Buying Votes with Loan Plan, But GOP Does That by Letting People Keep More of Their Own Money

On Wednesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s ‘11th Hour,’ host Stephanie Ruhle responded to accusations from Republicans that President Joe Biden is trying to buy votes with his student loan plans by saying, ‘isn’t this just how politics works? Fulfilling campaign promises to certain groups.’ And by arguing that 2024 Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump and other Republicans do the same thing by letting people keep more of their own money by cutting taxes.

She, like a lot of Democrats, clearly believes that all the money out there belongs to politicians to spend and redistribute as they please. Freedom of choice is a foreign concept to most Democrats.

And Ruhle said people should quit complaining that they can’t afford stuff because of Biden’s big spending and regulation policies, especially relating to energy policies…because Wendy’s has a $3 breakfast:

MSNBC’s Ruhle: The Poors Should Shut Up, Wendy’s Has $3 Breakfast!

If your goal was to find some of the most tone-deaf analyses of how Americans were feeling about living under Bidenomics, look no further than MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle. After previously asserting that Americans’ ‘dirty little secret’ was that they were weathering President Biden’s inflation just fine, she was back during Tuesday night’s The 11th Hour to tell the poors that they needed to shut up about not being able to afford basic necessities because Wendy’s was rolling out a $3 breakfast option.

And what advice do Washington Post stenographers give to people after Biden’s policies have destroyed their ability to buy houses? Well, they tell them that owning a house is not a good dream for Americans.

Is home ownership the wrong dream for America?

The house, the yard and the picket fence have long been part of the American Dream. Owning a home is lauded as a way to grow your wealth and pass it down to future generations. But high demand and short supply, coupled with today’s soaring interest rates, have made home ownership out of reach for many Americans. We talk about the cultural and financial forces at work and the generational shift in thinking about whether buying a house is the best place to put your money.

And these people advise voters that the best choice this November is four more years of intentional suicide of America, and they say President Trump, whose policies were lifting almost all boats, especially those at the bottom, is the one who is bad for America.

Trump understands that it is Congress who makes laws and appropriates money, not the president, unelected bureaucrats, or the courts, and most of the media and other Democrats don’t care about separation of powers, abuse of power, or the Constitution. They believe it is flexible to the whims and wants of the left—but ignorance is bliss for party operatives posing as journalists.

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