

Sunday, June 9, 2024

A Daring Rescue and a Surprise from the Ninth Circuit

 In a daring feat masterfully executed, the Israeli Defense Force rescued four of the hostages in Gaza. Most touching of all was the rescue of Noa Argamani, whose mother is dying of brain cancer, who had prayed she’d be reunited with her daughter before she died. The hostages had been held by private citizens in two separate apartments 200 feet apart within the central market of Nuseirat in Gaza and the rescuers had to stage a difficult simultaneous operation to free them. They operated under heavy fire from Hamas and local citizens. One IDF soldier, Arnon Zamora, was killed in the rescue and a significant number (who can trust reports from Hamas?) of those who attacked the rescuers and hostages were killed. 

Lieutenant Colonel Arnon Zamora, may he rest in peace, led the team in breaching the building where three hostages were held (Noa was held in another building about 200 meters away). Zamora was injured during the confrontation with the terrorists and later succumbed to his injuries at the hospital.

  • The hostages were held by Hamas guards in homes of Arab families (Hamas paid the families to hold the hostages -- indicating there are no innocent bystanders).
  • The IDF entered Nuseirat in trucks and civilian vehicles with Gazan license plates.
  • Many terrorists from Nuseirat fired upon the IDF, including anti-tank missile fire, resulting in a firefight where many Palestinians were killed.
  • The confrontation occurred near Nuseirat's market.
  • The rescue vehicle was hit, caught fire, and became stuck.
  • Forces from Brigade 98: Paratroopers, Kfir, Givati Brigade, Golani Reconnaissance Battalion, and Shayetet 13 attacked Nuseirat from multiple directions under heavy bombardment from the Air Force, helicopter fire, Navy ship fire, and artillery fire, successfully bringing the hostages to a waiting helicopter landing zone.
  • The terrorists fired several anti-tank missiles at the helicopters in an attempt to shoot them down -- unsuccessfully (the firing was carried out by activists of the Popular Front who claim they hit the helicopter).
  • Noa Argamani told her family: 'There was knocking on the door -- 'It's the IDF, we've come to rescue you.'

In the video: Initial moments of the rescue bombardments.

In the second video: The street destroyed by the IDF to rescue the hostages."



Through the wonders of the internet and the open sourcing of X you can see some scenes of the battle to save the hostages. Here’s first footage of the rescued hostages being helicoptered out to Israel. Over 100 hostages still remain, though their fate remains unknown. Among them are five Americans, about whom the administration remains silent.

The response from Hamas and the Palestinian Authority leaders shows how idiotic U.S. policy is.  The Palestinian Authority:

In response to Israel rescuing 4 hostages in Gaza, the Palestinian Authority President, who pays terrorists for slaying Jews, announced his anger [Ed: and sought an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council]. This is who Biden wants to put in charge of Gaza. The Jordanian government is calling on Israel to immediately ceasefire. Look -- they’re not hiding who or what they are. Only the Democrats pretend they’re something else.

 Hamas: “We will not surrender”: Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh the fat billionaire living in comfort in Qatar fumes after Israel frees hostages.

The AP and CNN keep reporting the Hamas handouts as if true. Indeed, one CNN chyron referred to this as a “release” of the hostages.

CNN just devoted a substantial video segment to Palestinian civilians killed or injured in the rescue of the 4 Israeli hostages and never once mentioned that the civilians were the ones holding the hostages, that the civilians were ones who took them hostage in the first place, that the civilians were the ones firing at IDF during the rescue, that the civilians are the ones who kept the hostages in the center of a populous area in order to purposefully use civilians as human shields. The Palestinians orchestrated the very conditions that created the casualties; they reaped what they sowed. 

In a rare act of integrity, the AP concedes the Hamas claims of genocide are bunk.  

Benny Gantz, doubtless with the urgings of Blinken and Biden, was to announce his departure from the war cabinet and continue his efforts against Benjamin Netanyahu. He has now abandoned that plan.

The EU’s Josep Borrell outrageously characterized the rescue as “another civilian massacre,” and outside the White House, the pro-Hamas crowd battled with police who responded with tear gas and rubber bullets. No National Guard in sight.

Taking a step away from this exciting rescue, we notice that the scarf lady Deborah Birx, who admits to manipulating the data to persuade then-President Trump to announce a lockdown, is now CEO of a pharmaceutical company working on Bird Flu vaccine. She and WHO are drumming up scares about the Bird Flu and its effects on food production and human life. Interestingly, the one report of human infection seems utter fabrication. The purported victim was an overweight, ill prisoner, and the Mexican Health Secretary denies WHO’s claim that citizen died of bird flu. He was a 59-year-old man who had diabetes, hypertension, and no contact with poultry.  

And if the Deep State has plans to force us to take unproven “vaccines” again the Ninth Circuit Court of appeals just rendered an opinion that should make such draconian, unconstitutional efforts much harder to pass judicial muster. Health Freedom Defense Fund, et al v. Alberto Carvalho, et el, Case No. 22-55908 (9th Cir.).

Brant Hadaway

My client, @theHFDF, has won another huge victory, this time in the 9th Circuit! This was a case that I prosecuted in Central District of California challenging @LASchools mandatory COVID vaccination mandate for all school employees. A majority panel of the 9th Circuit held that, first, the case was not mooted by another attempt by @LASchools to manipulate a court's jurisdiction and, second, because the district court misapplied the SCOTUS's 1905 decision in Jacobson v. Mass. For the first time, as far as I am aware, a circuit court has explicitly drawn limits on Jacobson -- a decision to which nearly every court in country genuflected when considering challenges to COVID mandates. The majority's ruling holds that Jacobson only applied to measures to prevent the spread of disease, and that we had credibly pled that the COVID vaccines were not designed or intended to prevent disease spread, but were only designed to reduce the severity of illness in infected persons. Therefore, the majority held that Jacobson does not apply. [emphasis supplied.]

In a concurring opinion, Judge Collins wrote that measures to protect an individual from getting sick, as opposed to preventing disease spread, fell under a separate line of authority for the proposition that each person has a constitutionally protected liberty interest in refusing unwanted medical treatment. That was exactly our theory of the case. Now we will see what happens on remand!

Facts have long established that the Covid vaccine did not prevent the spread of Covid, and the CDC’s redefinition of “vaccine” was surely designed to fool people into thinking otherwise.

Julie Hamill emphasizes the nub of the ruling:

Jacobson held that mandatory vaccinations were rationally related to “preventing the spread” of smallpox. (citation). Jacobson, however, did not involve a claim in which the compelled vaccine was “designed to reduce symptoms in the infected vaccine recipient rather than to prevent transmission and infection.” (citation). The district court thus erred in holding that Jacobson extends beyond its public health rationale -- government’s power to mandate prophylactic measures aimed at preventing the recipient from spreading disease to others -- to also govern “forced medical treatment” for the recipient’s benefit."[/quote[]

All told, it was a wonderful ending to the week.


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