

Thursday, June 6, 2024

‘CALIFORNIA’S First Afghan Muslim State Senator votes to make it easier for predators to solicit sex from minors

 Leave it to the Inbreds and nut jobs and sick Bastards in California to want to have sex with kids.   Really Sick!

No doubt her Afghan and Muslim child sexual predator constituents are cheering her decision. In California, soliciting sex from a 16- or 17-year-old will not be charged as a felony, but will be considered a misdemeanor, which means that it’s not worth the time to prosecute these sexual offenders.

Daniel Greenfield After several rounds of legislation were blocked by California pro-crime leftists, Senate Bill 1414 that would make soliciting sex from a minor a felony, appeared to be on the verge of sailing through. A bipartisan piece of legislation, it already had a promise of support from Gov. Newsom and conservatives and anti-trafficking groups behind it.
But by the time that Sen. Susan Eggman took to the Senate floor and blasted her party, the pro-sex crime contingent had successfully managed to undermine the child protection bill yet again.
One of the watered-down bill’s supporters was Sen. Aisha Wahab, the first Afghan or Muslim senator, who had joined with her political allies to amend Senate Bill 1414 to protect those soliciting 16-year-olds for sex. Worse still, the process weakened the punishment for child predators.
Under the Senate Public Safety Committee, Senator Aisha Wahab (D-Silicon Valley) approved an amendment that includes: Felony charge only applies to 15-year-old victims and under.



California’s pro-crime policies helped decriminalize soliciting minors for sex, along with shoplifting and many other crimes, and activists have been trying to criminalize it again. After several rounds of legislation were blocked by California pro-crime leftists, Senate Bill 1414 appeared to be on the verge of sailing through. A bipartisan piece of legislation, it already had a promise of support from Gov. Newsom and conservatives and anti-trafficking groups behind it.
Previous compromises with pro-crime Democrats had already weakened the penalties so that only two-time offenders with an age difference of at least ten years would end up on the sex offender registry, but Sen. Grove drew the line at protecting those who solicit 16-year-olds for sex. The ‘hostile’ amendments were added anyway.
Sen. Wahab shut down efforts to bring more witnesses to testify in support of the bill. “Solicitation is not trafficking. Solicitation is not prostitution. Solicitation is a verbal request of an action in exchange for money that is usually sexual in nature,” the first Afghan Muslim politician had argued.
And the resulting bill, according to Sen. Grove, allows child sexual solicitation to “still be charged as a misdemeanor, punishable by as little as 2 days in jail OR up to a $10,000 fine.” “Are you forcing these amendments on me, Madam Chair?” Sen. Grove had asked. “…Yes,” Sen. Wahab retorted. And that made them ‘hostile amendments’ which protected men buying young girls.
It was fitting then that Sen. Aisha Wahab was named after the historical Islamic figure of Aisha, the 7-year-old ‘child bride’ of Mohamed, the founder of Islam, whom he married and raped.

While Muslim ‘sex grooming gangs’ are something that Americans tend to associate with British cities, a Justice Department report had previously warned about sex trafficking across the border involving not only Latin American gangs, but “Iranians, Pakistanis, Iraqi, Saudi, and Somali facilitators.” Most are traditionally groups that share Sen. Wahab’s Islamic religion.
After a prolonged battle to crack down on sex trafficking, a crackdown on sexual solicitation has been averted thanks to Sen. Wahab.



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