

Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Bidens are a dysfunctional family of grifters

 Dysfunctional - not performing normally, as an organ or structure of the body; malfunctioning. having a malfunctioning part or element: behaving or acting outside social norms  

Grifter - a person who operates a side show at a circus, fair, etc., especially a gambling attraction;  a swindler, dishonest gambler, or the like.

So, Hunter Biden was found guilty of a serious crime, the least serious crime he has committed in his life of depravity and debauchery. 

He was his father’s bagman, sent around the world to sell American influence in Joe’s name for large amounts of money. 

The Bidens are a family of grifters. They thought they were so clever.  They went to great lengths to cover their illegal tracks by setting up countless LLCs and assorted bank accounts.  The family has lived far beyond the means of a senatorial or vice-presidential salary for decades. 

For fifty years, Joe Biden has been a thug, a plagiarist, a criminal.  He is a pathological liar, as even the New York Times has noted. 

He was a known racist for years, too; Robert Byrd of KKK infamy was his mentor. 

Like most criminals, Joe is not very bright.  Now, as the world watches him descend into the well-known signs of dementia, the left continues to pretend he is qualified to run for a second term when he is clearly not.  Joe is over, done.  He belongs in a care home.

The Biden family is obviously profoundly dysfunctional, rife with adultery, drug addiction, promiscuity, alcoholism, and criminality.  Joe’s affair with Jill broke up her first marriage.  Their daughter Ashley’s diary revealed the fact that her childhood very possibly included inappropriate behavior by her father that led to her promiscuity and drug use.  Hunter was expelled from the Navy for cocaine use.  

As his laptop showed, he is a thoroughly degenerate man who was a drug addict who used prostitutes, some of them very young.  After his divorce from his first wife, he had an affair with his sister-in-law, the widow of his deceased brother.  He introduced her to cocaine.  Both his wife and sister-in-law are mothers, of his own three daughters and his niece and nephew.  How sick is that?  Dysfunctional hardly describes how unstable the Biden family is. 

Being the snobs they are, they continue to ignore the child Hunter fathered with Lunden Roberts but embrace the son by the newest wife.  In a semi-normal family, wouldn’t some of those adult children want to know their half-sister in Arkansas?  Guess not.  They are all without a shred of class or grace.  They are all grifters.

Now convicted of the crime of lying on a gun-purchase form, will he be actually held accountable?  Not likely.  He has never been held accountable for his bad behavior in his life.  Joe Biden says he will not pardon him, but he can and will commute his sentence with the stroke of that pen he uses so irresponsibly.  It is safe to say he will certainly do exactly that if his son is sentenced to prison.  Joe’s party is all about using lawfare to jam up his political opponents for fabricated crimes but they will not hesitate to protect all manner of lawbreakers in their own family and party. 

Biden, or whoever is actually operating as president, is most likely doing Obama’s bidding, fulfilling his “transformation of America” Marxist/communist agenda.  The party that is so terrified of a second Trump presidency is terrified because they are guilty of so many crimes against the American people and the Constitution. 

They assumed they would get away with their oh-so-clever crimes to take down the man who threatens their authoritarian hold on power over the American people.  Now they are scared, for good reason.  If Trump is elected and justice is to be done, those mobsters of the deep state, which is exactly what they are, will be indicted, brought to trial and sentenced for their crimes. 

They know who they are:  Jim Comey, Andrew McCabe, Andrew Weismann, Judges Merchan, Kaplan and Chutkin, prosecutors Letitia James, Alvin Bragg, Fani Willis, and a host of others. 

As for trivial people like AOC, Joe Scarborough, Dan Goldman and their ilk, they wish they were important enough to be worried.  They’re not on Trump’s radar; they are insignificant.

To say the country is at a crossroads is a gross understatement; we are at the edge of a Marxist abyss. 

Joe Biden is an illegitimate president, and he has been a disaster for the nation from day one.  There are no words to describe the damage done by this illicit administration; ten to fifteen million migrants have entered the country, unvetted, given a free pass, sheltered and fed on the taxpayer dime, any terrorist tendencies ignored.  There are terrorists among them who have attempted to  breach numerous military sites. 

Surprised? Of course not. It is what the left wants. When and if there is a major terrorist attack, they will be prepared to absurdly blame it on Trump and his supporters while it will be the open borders left that is entirely responsible. They want chaos, tragedy, pandemics and escalating crime; anything to make people fearful and reduce the population by a variety of means. 

If the Biden presidency has taught us anything, it is that we can never, never again install a man so corrupt, so incompetent, so anti-American as Joe Biden.  He is the most destructive president in American history and if we prevail as a republic, he will be forever more known as exactly what he was and is, a man with a greedy, dysfunctional family of grifters.


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