

Thursday, June 6, 2024

The real threat to democracy

 Liars and Corrupt Dirty Scumbags

I am really tired of hearing that Trump is a "threat to democracy."  Democrats seem to be repeating this mantra endlessly.  Actually, they are right, but you have to understand what they really mean.  Let's make a distinction between two flavors of democracy:

democracy:  rule by the people

“Democracy”:  rule by Democrats, specifically by members of the Democratic party

Trump is truly a threat to “Democracy.”  When Democrats make this claim, they really mean that he is a threat to their ascendancy, but they want you to think that they mean that he is a threat to rule by the people. 

From the Democrats’ point of view, the people can't be trusted to put them in charge or keep them there.  They must be guided by the superior minds of their betters.  Total control of the levers of power:  the judiciary, the press, Hollywood, Congress, the presidency, the military, the police forces, and the internet are all within their grasp with just another four years like the four years just past.  

Democrats are famous for claiming their adversaries are doing whatever malign actions they are guilty of themselves.  This is just one more example.  They are the real threat to democracy.





















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