MSNBC’s propensity to selectively edit video to smear conservatives has reached a new low. Speaking on her self-titled show on February 21, host Rachel Maddow openly admitted to playing edited footage of Senator John McCain to smear the Arizona Republican.
Speaking last week, Maddow aired footage of McCain addressing a constituent whose son was killed last year at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, who spoke to Senator McCain about her belief that “These assault weapons allow a shooter to fire many rounds without having to reload. These weapons do not belong on our streets.” [See video after jump. MP3 audiohere.]
Maddow then played McCain’s edited comments, which show him saying, “I can tell you right now you need some straight talk. That assault weapons ban will not pass the congress of the United States.”
Maddow then ridiculously admits there is editing with the clip she played, but that doesn’t stop her from slamming McCain:
Obviously, there was an edit between the end of the woman's question and the part where John McCain sneers the straight talk line at her. So maybe that edit was cut in a way that’s not fair to John McCain.
Had Maddow felt the need to play the complete clip, she would have seen Senator McCain expressing his condolences and sadness for those victims who died in Aurora, Colorado, as well as other tragic shootings. However, being a fair, albeit opinionated journalist, is not Maddow's aim:
Maybe he really wasn't in real time so insensitive and abrasive to a woman who probably deserves some sensitivity when she is talked to about these matters. But for what it's worth, Patricia Maisch, the woman who disarmed the Tucson shooter, she was in the room at that John McCain town hall. She saw the whole thing happen. She saw that woman ask the question about what John McCain thought should be done about gun violence and saw him answer by saying you need some straight talk. And Patricia Maisch, who was in the room, told Talking Points Memo in an interview after the town hall that she found Senator McCain’s response "Unsatisfactory."
The total disregard, and in this case, outright glee on by the liberal MSNBC hosts regarding their selective video editing practices shows just how corrupt the network has become.
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